Friday, September 18, 2009

Priestly Optimism

The Reform of the Reform is happening right now! We are witnesses of it and participators in the transformation, and it is marvelous!

I have another thought on the significance of the obstacles we are experiencing in the exercise of the priesthood. There is nothing that pains me more than my apparent ineffectiveness, or at least limited effectiveness, in the ministry. Christ wills it so! as I do my part to remedy my defects and to produce abundant fruit of holiness in myself and others, using the God-given means of prayer, penance, the sacramental life, spiritual direction. My glory, then, is there, in the apparent failure: the Cross!

We are not promoted for our fidelity (and even opposed for it) because God wants us to see that the Reform of the Church comes from on high (i.e. from Christ Himself through His Vicar on earth), clearly showing that it is His doing, not ours! I see Summorum Pontificum as a parallel to Humanae Vitae, it is Christ directly guiding the Church and the world through the single hand of the Vicar of Christ, in the face of almost universal opposition. But our Lord is a Warrior, and He does not lose battles.

Therefore there is absolutely nothing to fear. My position or deposition is not my concern. That is a matter for my King to determine at his good pleasure. I just have to serve Him with absolute loyalty (which always includes my penitence).

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