Thursday, November 6, 2014

Rorate Cæli‎'s Rhetoric is Anti-Catholic

From the beginning of the Bergoglio Pontificate the Rorate Cæli‎ blog has been the leading detractor among those claiming to be Catholic commentators.

After following much of the reporting there on the present Magisterium I have to say that the disrespect, hyperbole, and politicization of the faith, not to mention the outright lies about the Pope, exceed those of even such enemies as The New York Times, The Washington Post and the Boston Globe.

Rorate usually accepts the media spins on the Pope's words and action and runs with them, and usually adds largely unsubstantiated rhetoric to pretend to prove the already exaggerated points.

Rorate Cæli‎ is therefore the Catholic blogoshere's enemy number one being a staunch enemy of Church unity while proposing it's detraction and gossip as the model and guide for Traditional Catholics.

The Holy Father does have undeniable flaws, and one of the most blatant is that he is not very much concerned with the criticisms from the "choir"; for his self-avowed mission is to "Comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable" as we say.

He's too busy being Pope! and does not view the Church as a democracy.

What is more, I sense in some of the anti-Francis rhetoric a hint of the anti-Latino racism endemic of the American social structure (including that of the Church). It is therefore understandable that some American Catholics should (even if unconsciously) resent the rule of a Latin American Pope.

The authors of Rorate Cæli‎ and the readers thereof need to spend more time studying the Magisterium, and it's application to their own life and work, and less time reading the gossip and the exaggerating criticisms the Vicar of Christ.

Beware of the Pharisees, and be on guard lest you yourself be one unawares!
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