Friday, May 22, 2015

Bad Wine is Better than Good Water

Better poor liturgy than no liturgy! Men need the divine Mystery which comes to us today primarily through the form of the Holy Mass. Every person needs the Mass. It's not the same as anything else. Wine is not water! Water is good, wine is better! Go to Mass. Go to Mass daily! Enter the Life of God!

My flesh is meat indeed, my blood is drink indeed! John 6:56.

When you are tired of Facebook and Tritter and DirectTV, etc., say the Rosary! Say the Rosary and go to Mass and read Sacred Scripture and you will enter the life of God. Everything will become real for you! You will see God and your life will be changed! Pray.

Those who pray will certainly be saved.
Those who do not pray will certainly be lost.

The greatest prayer and the ongoing source of all prayer is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass (transhistorical Calvary!).
The greatest orans (person of prayer) is the Most Blessed Virgin Mary. The Rosary makes Mary in heaven your prayer partner! Power!

Water is good, wine is better!

Liturgy is the best antidote to rationalism, it grounds you in the truth. Liturgy is where your truth touches the Truth, in His Flesh and Blood. The Truth becomes Flesh and Blood at every Most Holy Mass! The Truth touches you.
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