Tuesday, May 5, 2015

FSSP New (First) Seminary in Mexico, Guadalajara

Couldn't they find a native Spanish speaker to do the video? Why not?

Perhaps what Latin America needs more than FSSP is their own Spanish homegrown Traditional Religious Order like the FSSP and the Institute of Christ the King, etc. In the meantime this is a step in the right direction!

There should be no reason for Latin America to import the Catholic Tradition of which she should have a solid and proud memory in her own right. At least her benefactors should come her "Mother Country:" Spain!

What this iconic event signifies, though, is the gross and long-time Spanish and Latin American episcopal neglect of the proper Catholic liturgical formation of the priests and the faithful. Thank God for the European missionary work on our American Catholic soil, even today!

¡Viva la Tradición Católica en la Misa de Siempre, hoy, en la fiesta de su Patrón, San Pío V!
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