Saturday, November 14, 2015

Remembering the Faithful Departed and the Cuba of Old

"The Door, Am I, of Peace"
The Virtues of Faith (right), Hope (left) and Charity (center)
This is the 1901 sculpture on top of the great monumental portal of the 1876 Cementerio de Cristóbal Colón (Christopher Columbus Cemetery) in San Cristóbal de la Habana (Sancti Christophori de Habana), or simply "Havana", one of the most important cemeteries of Latin America.

La entrada del Necrópolis de Cristóbal Colón se caracteriza por este monumento escultórico en su tope, de mármol de Carrara, de 34 m de longitud por 21,66 m de altura. El conjunto representa las virtudes teologales: fe, esperanza y caridad. Esta portada es obra del arquitecto español Calixto de Loira. Los relieves y las esculturas en mármol de Carrara son del cubano José Vilalta de Saavedra. La gigantesca portada es de estilo neobizantino.

Before 1901
N.B. The sculptor Saavedra, also sculpted, among other important statues, a monument to the great Cuban engineer Francisco de Albear who was responsible the catchment of the Vento springs and their conveyance to Havana for the water supply of the city, now known as the Acueducto de Albear. He designed the project in 1855 and the construction started in 1861, being completed only in 1893. The project was distinguished with the Gold Medal of the Éxposition universelle of Paris 1878. The aqueduct is still in operation.

Cf. lezumbalaberenjena is a Flickr account (apparently of a Cuban-Canadian) with many fine photos of various parts of Cuba.

A lion of the world famous Havana Paseo del Prado - a kilometer of marble pavement and benches outdoor promenade, of a century ago!
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