Monday, October 2, 2017

"Success of Schools" Crisis: Disorientation

I saw yesterday on Facebook this excellent video (44 million views!) on the enormous success of the Finland school system, but afterwards what did not add up was the blatant moral dysfunction. These "bright" students have nails in their faces and look like freaks.

If you have to "find your own happiness, what makes you happy"; if there is no standard of right and wrong; if there is no morality, no objective truth for everyone, confusion which is played out in every manner of sexual perversion and with anti-man laws (e.g. abortion and euthanasia), then why not go on a shooting spree? It is all very logical. If the human body is not sacred, if human life is not sacred, then you do not know the first thing about the human person, imago Dei, and you can thus do with man as you wish!

I agree that Finland is on to something, but men cannot be formed in a religious and moral vacuum. Culture cannot be invented by the schools, civilization even less. That only comes from men with God. Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, is the One Who makes men saints. Men in denial of God will necessarily end up confused regarding who they themselves are and their ultimate purpose.
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