Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Things-To-Do in Quaratine

1. Journal. Write a paragraph daily.
2. Organize/discard your data/files, e.g. pictures, 1/2 hour per day till you get it right.
3. Learn to write poetry; do some every day.
4. Pray using the Bible, 5 min. - 1/2 hr. per day.
5. Pray the daily rosary with your household.
6. Write snail mail letters or post cards, one a week.
7. Take a daily neighborhood stroll, especially with someone in the home, following health norms.
8. Exercise three times per week, 15 minutes each time, e.g. Monday, Wed., Friday.
9. Read an edifying book, especially a classic, even aloud with others.
10. Call someone on the phone just to talk, and listen.
11. Sing some Gregorian chant, one chant a day, e.g. the Ave Regina Coelorum.
12. Pray the Breviary; ibreviary or divinumofficium.
13. Say some other prayers every day; ipieta is a great prayer app.
14. Meditate between 15 min. - 1 hour per day, using a spiritual classic, e.g. the Bible, The Imitation of Christ, to talk and listen to God with your heart directed towards the closest tabernacle, Christ incarnate.
15. Stay away from television and social media.
16. Develop personal relationships at home, in the family, and with neighbors.
17. Pray, by name, for those who hate you.
18. Do acts of random kindness at home. Ask how you can help.
19. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
20. Do good, avoid evil.
21. Examine your conscience and repent every day, especially before bedtime.
22. Make a schedule and stick to it, especially bedtime and time to rise.
23. Dedicate your day to God, on your knees, as soon as you get up.
24. Do a five-day silent retreat; now is the perfect liturgical season for that.
25. Study a foreign language daily.
26. Draw, sketch, paint; knit, crochet, cross-stitch, make lace, etc.
27. Play an instrument daily. Play one piece well each day.
28. Play chess/practice your skills with a real person in your household.
29. Brainstorm other edifying daily activities, to enhance home life.
30. Do not squander this precious time.
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