Sunday, August 23, 2020

Deficiencies of the Church --Newman


"[Newman's] indictment of the Church of England is primarily a moral one, and he sums it up under the following heads:

'1. Absence of all system of moral discipline for the poor.

 2. Absence of all system of moral discipline for the rich.

 3. Our Church's total neglect of her duties as guardian and witness to morality.

 4. Our Church's total neglect of her duties as witness and teacher or orthodoxy [and the concomitant banalization of the liturgy].

 5. Powerlessness of our Church to perform her other duties, especially in helping and protecting the poor, while those are neglected.

 6. Rationalism prevalent in our Church.'"

Christopher Dawson, The Spirit of the Oxford Movement, London: Sheed &Ward, 1945, 108.

Though Saint John Henry Newman was referring to the heretical "Church" of England, his remarks should serve as an examination of conscience for the pastors of the Catholic Church. Our strength and relevance are in direct proportion to our promotion of the Truth, Jesus Christ: true faith and true morality.

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