Sunday, September 27, 2009

Theology of the Body Given Approval: Nihil Obstat!

Letter of Support for Christopher West
Signed by Cardinal Rigali, Bishop Rhoades

PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania, SEPT. 17, 2009 ( Here is the letter that was sent Aug. 10 by Cardinal Justin Rigali, the archbishop of Philadelphia, and Bishop Kevin Rhoades of Harrisburg, to Christopher West, founder and director of the Theology of the Body Institute.

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Support for Christopher West from Cardinal Justin Rigali and Bishop Kevin Rhoades

Cardinal Justin Rigali, as Chairman of the Episcopal Advisory Board for the Theology of the Body Institute and as local ordinary of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia where the Institute is located, and Bishop Kevin Rhoades, Christopher West's local ordinary in the Diocese of Harrisburg, have stated that they are pleased to express strong support for the important work of the Theology of the Body Institute and, in particular, that of Christopher West.

We are convinced that John Paul II's Theology of the Body is a treasure for the Church, indeed a gift of the Holy Spirit for our time. Yet, its scholarly language needs to be "translated" into more accessible categories if the average person is to benefit from it. To do this is the specific mission of the Theology of the Body Institute, and we believe that Christopher West, the Institute's popular lecturer and spokesman, has been given a particular charism to carry out this mission. With great skill as a presenter, with keen insight as a thinker, and with profound reverence for the mystery of human sexuality, he has been able to reach thousands in our sexually wounded culture with the Gospel of salvation in Christ.

In light of recent discussions, we are happy to state our full confidence in Christopher, who continues to show great responsibility and openness in listening carefully to various observations and reflections on his work and in taking them into account. He and the Theology of the Body Institute are in communication with us, their local ordinaries. They work with our episcopal blessing. In our view their programs, courses, and materials reflect strong fidelity to the teaching of the Church and to the thought of Pope John Paul II. As such, we consider them of superb value for promoting the New Evangelization.

We sincerely hope that Christopher will continue his much needed work in the Church. He does so with our enthusiastic encouragement. It is also or hope that more and more men and women -- priests, deacons, religious and laity alike -- will avail themselves of the valuable training and resources offered by the Theology of the Body Institute.

August 10, 2009

Cardinal Justin Rigali
Archbishop of Philadelphia

Most Reverend Kevin C. Rhoades
Bishop of Harrisburg

Friday, September 25, 2009

Benedicto XVI es el Papa de toda la historia de la Iglesia con la más brillante y numerosa bibliografía personal. Su riqueza conceptual es fascinante.

Estas son las palabras con las que Joaquín Navarro-Valls caracteriza el Pontificado del Papa Benedicto XVI en la sigiente entrevista dada por "El Mundo".

Irene Hdez. Velasco (Enviada especial) Cernobbio
Actualizado lunes 21/09/2009 09:46 horas
Sin duda el representante del Vaticano más famoso durante el Pontificado de Juan Pablo II, a excepción del propio Papa, ha sido este español de 72 años que estudió Medicina y acabó ejerciendo de periodista.
Al fin y al cabo, desde 1984 hasta 2006, Joaquín Navarro-Valls fue director de la oficina de prensa de la Santa Sede, convirtiéndose en el primer laico y el primer no italiano en ocupar ese puesto. Durante 15 meses, y hasta su dimisión en julio de 2006, también trabajó a las órdenes de Benedicto XVI.
Pregunta.- Durante los 22 años que fue portavoz de Juan Pablo II, ¿escribió un diario?
Respuesta.- Un diario propiamente dicho no, pero tomé notas. En mi ordenador debo de tener unas 600 páginas de apuntes.
P.- ¿Y no se plantea publicarlas?
R.- Hace un año y medio un agente estadounidense me ofreció un millón y medio de dólares por escribir ese libro. El problema en parte es que he aceptado en estos años una serie de compromisos profesionales que me absorben. Tendría que dejar todo eso y pasarme un año y medio encerrado en mi habitación para escribir ese libro. Para mí sería un imperativo moral hacerlo, porque Juan Pablo II era muy querido pero no del todo conocido.
P.- ¿Qué cree que se desconoce de Juan Pablo II?
R.- Pienso que no se conoce suficientemente a la persona, su carácter. Por ejemplo, tenía un grandísimo sentido del humor. Incluso cuando había que tratar problemas dramáticos no perdía su visión positiva.
P.- Usted ha estado casi dos años con Benedicto XVI, hasta 2006. El suyo es un Pontificado polémico...
R.- Benedicto XVI es el Papa de toda la historia de la Iglesia con la más brillante y numerosa bibliografía personal. Su riqueza conceptual es fascinante. Y pienso que la gente también fuera del ámbito católico es consciente de ello.
P.- Se dice que es frío
R.- Yo diría lo contrario. Su forma de conmoverse más frecuente de lo que se cree no es reaccionar pasionalmente frente a las cosas.
P.- ¿Cuales son los elementos más originales de su Pontificado?
R.- Su confianza en la racionalidad de las personas, en su capacidad de buscar la verdad.
P.- ¿Qué grandes obstáculos está encontrando Ratzinger?
R.- Me parece que lo anunció él mismo pocos días antes de ser elegido Pontífice: la dictadura del relativismo.
P.- Si tuviera que señalar sólo uno, ¿cuál ha sido el mayor logro de Juan Pablo II?
R.- Lo digo con palabras suyas: «El punto central y nuestra responsabilidad es mantener el carácter trascendental de la persona humana, que se puede convertir fácilmente en objeto». Y ese logro le fue reconocido en Naciones Unidas, en los suburbios de Calcuta, en un leprosario en Guinea Bissau o en cualquier lugar a donde fue.
P.- ¿Que les diría a los que, a la luz de su oposición al preservativo, la eutanasia o los matrimonios homosexuales, consideran que la Iglesia es una institución obsoleta?
R.- Diría que la Iglesia está proponiendo, con optimismo y tenacidad, que el ser humano no es algo sino alguien; no es una cosa sino una persona. Está enseñando a humanizar la sexualidad, a dar sentido al dolor y a la alegría. Está dando horizontes humanos al ser humano.
P.- ¿Hay algún error en sus 22 años como responsable de comunicación del Vaticano del que aún se arrepienta?
R.- No me corresponde a mí valorar mi propio trabajo. Normalmente no vuelvo a aquellos años para analizar hipótesis sino para profundizar en el significado de los hechos vividos. Muchas veces, entonces, tuve la sensación de vivir la Historia mientras se estaba haciendo. Fueron unos años bellísimos, extraordinarios
P.- "Santo subito", gritaba la gente tras la muerte de Juan Pablo II. ¿Cuánto cree que falta para que sea elevado a lo altares?
R.- Desde el punto de vista estrictamente técnico, podría estar todo listo antes de que acabe el año. Los dos pasos que quedan, técnicamente hablando, son el decreto de virtudes y la declaración del milagro, del que se le atribuyen varios, uno especialmente claro. A partir de ahí, todo depende del Santo Padre.

A Plea For Public Decency

Not infrequently in New York City, especially in certain neighborhoods, one is confronted with homosexual romance in public places. That is an open assault on public decency, and it must be addressed.

The public display of homosexual affection is in itself lewd conduct and therefore intolerable in, because harmful to, civil society. What is posing as freedom of expression and "gay" "rights" is the public promotion of lewdness. This type of lewdness is no one's right but an open affront to basic decency, it ought not be tolerated.

Public Prefers Traditional Churches, Even on the Stage

Last Monday's Tosca opening night at the Met demonstrates the public preference for tradition as the audience booed the starkly modern and dark new production, replacing the magnificent and time honored Zeffirelli sets. Even in opera people prefer churches to look like churches, and they prefer their heroines to be pious. Piety and tradition are fundamental human values that should be revered and promoted in the arts as in life.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Another Prince of the Church Boldly Promotes True Adoration

Pope Benedict follows the universal norm and immemorial custom of distributing Holy Communion to the faithful directly on the tongue as they kneel in adoration.

Cardinal Canizares, the Prefect of the Congregation of Divine Worship has emphasized the significance of this gesture as the expression of the Holy Father's will.

Now, yet another Cardinal (Peru's Cipriani) joins the growing chorus of the hierarchy who, in perfect harmony with the Benedictine Reform of the Reform, boldly promote the traditional way to approach Holy Communion.

See the CNA article below.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Priestly Optimism

The Reform of the Reform is happening right now! We are witnesses of it and participators in the transformation, and it is marvelous!

I have another thought on the significance of the obstacles we are experiencing in the exercise of the priesthood. There is nothing that pains me more than my apparent ineffectiveness, or at least limited effectiveness, in the ministry. Christ wills it so! as I do my part to remedy my defects and to produce abundant fruit of holiness in myself and others, using the God-given means of prayer, penance, the sacramental life, spiritual direction. My glory, then, is there, in the apparent failure: the Cross!

We are not promoted for our fidelity (and even opposed for it) because God wants us to see that the Reform of the Church comes from on high (i.e. from Christ Himself through His Vicar on earth), clearly showing that it is His doing, not ours! I see Summorum Pontificum as a parallel to Humanae Vitae, it is Christ directly guiding the Church and the world through the single hand of the Vicar of Christ, in the face of almost universal opposition. But our Lord is a Warrior, and He does not lose battles.

Therefore there is absolutely nothing to fear. My position or deposition is not my concern. That is a matter for my King to determine at his good pleasure. I just have to serve Him with absolute loyalty (which always includes my penitence).

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Saint Mary's Shrine

Here is an exterior shot of my beloved home parish.

Viva La Riforma!

The Raleigh, North Carolina diocese seems to be ahead of the curve in the "Reform of the Reform". Last week the pastor of a prominent parish announced that Bishop Burbidge has requested that the distribution of Holy Communion with the common cup be stopped, along with the hand shake at the kiss of peace (and that therefore both practices would be heretofore discontinued in that parish). Bravo Bishop Burbidge!
Also, on Sunday, 30 August last there was a Solemn High Traditional Mass offered at Saint Mary's Shrine in Wilmington (the first of the monthly 7PM, last Sunday of the month Traditional Masses to be offered there) at the insistence of the bishop, with his vicar general, Monsignor David Brockman, assisting, and all to the apparent chagrin of the heterodox pastor Fr. Kus. Get a glimpse here of the glorious Mass of the ages in that worthy temple of my youth.
Couple this with the the fact of the Bishop's routine acceptance of the Traditional Mass (which, at the request of the faithful, he has had in his own Cathedral for well over a year) and his promotion of excellent seminary formation. Just notice, for instance, his almost exclusive use of Saint Charles Borromeo (all but replacing the previously heavily used and notoriously unorthodox and immoral Theological College, Washington D.C. and Saint Mary's, Baltimore). Indicative of this diocesan shift back to the Catholic faith is the vocations office photo on the diocesan home web-page (above), with all the seminarians in cassocks!

Obviously Burbidge is one of the bishops who are attempting to adopt the mind and heart of our chief shepherd on earth, Pope Benedict XVI, in episcopal obedience to Christ, in this most necessary saving of pride in the Catholic patrimony. This much needed new movement toward loving and safeguarding and promoting the Catholic cultural patrimony as a service to Christ, to the Church and to the world shall be called the Benedictine reform of the reform, during which we are all thrilled to live!

The next step is for the bishop himself to publicly offer the traditional Mass. Maybe he is prepared to do so, after the Holy Father himself should do it! That reminds me, when will His Holiness finally grace the world again with a Solemn High Papal Mass!!! He did have the Prefect of the Congregation of Divine Worship offer the traditional Mass in the Papal Cathedral recently. That would surely inspire not a few of the Burbidges of the world to consider doing the same.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Optimism for the New Millenium

Here is my response to a discouraged priest regarding the present state of the Church.

Yes, we (too, like the liberals) are aging, but not without effect! Our generation of priests (the seminarians of the 90's) are at the head of the curve for the reform of the reform.

We can boast that we have begun the movement to cherish and promote the entire Catholic liturgical patrimony. It is only to get much better, for the following reasons.

1) We are under the most traditional Pope since VCII.

2) The US episcopate is the most "Roman" it has been in our lifetime, and that is to get significantly better, with nearly one-third of the ordinaries (88 bishops) to retire (and be replaced) over the next five years.

3) The amount of traditional seminarians is higher than ever, and ever growing!

Given this increasing traditional climate in the Church, greater than we could have ever anticipated even ten years ago, we have good reason to be optimistic regarding our future ministry, in zealously promoting all things Catholic, even as we gradually draw closer to the grave (and suffer our own and each other's personal defects on the way). And after death, the Judgment, in which Christ will set all things right.

Our passing, though humble, shall be a glorious one, which will have a lasting effect for the salvation of souls, if we only cling to Christ! Porro unum est necessarium! (Lk. 10:42)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Traditional Bishops

Those bishops who openly support and defend traditional Catholicism today are on the ascent, and they should be.

Given the liturgical atmosphere set by Pope Benedict and the new leadership of the Congregation of Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments (e.g. normative kneeling for communion and only directly on the tongue, distributed ordinarily only by ordained clergy, and greater use of Latin Masses and Gregorian Chant, beginning in the cathedrals of the world), those bishops who follow the Church on this are simply showing themselves to be obedient servants of the Church under her living Magisterium and liturgical discipline, as guided by the Holy Spirit and decided by the Pope.

The world needs courageous bishops imbued with Romanitas!

Viva il Papa Benedetto e la riforma della riforma!