Sunday, July 21, 2013

Gourmet Summer Breakfast

This has become my typical and favorite summer breakfast these days.  It is a recipe with such a symphony of unique and delicious flavors that compliment each other so well and is so refreshing, and most ingredients come from my simple New Jersey parish Summer garden.  It costs, basically, the price of an egg!  Enjoy!

--two pieces of toast
--six cloves of sauteed garlic from the fridge (cooked in olive oil, with skins [to keep from burning]
--a soft boiled egg (also from the fridge)
--a small tomato
--two zucchini flowers (pick the male flowers [long stems: they don't produce fruit] in the morning)

Peal and slice the garlic at least in halves and cover one of the toast slices with it.  (N.B. I always keep a small jar of these pre-cooked garlic cloves [making several heads at the time] in the fridge as a delicious condiment to almost any meal).  Slice the tomato to place on the garlic.  Do the same with the egg (the yolk should be pasty [soft boiled egg made by placing egg in rapidly boiling water for three minutes*]).  Put on a generous amount of mustard. Cover that with the flowers split in halves and in grid form.  Close the sandwich and cut in half.

Consume with a glass of milk.

Eat a juicy peach (or other fresh fruit) at the end to close this unique Summer meal.

*An alternate way to boil the soft boiled egg (to save energy and time and to keep the eggs from cracking) place the egg(s) in cold water and leave 1 1/2 to 2 minutes after the water starts to boil.  Three minutes for hard boiled.

N.B.  You may also like quesadillas de flor de calabaza, a Mexican delicacy.