Saturday, October 3, 2015

Urgent European Need to Revive Christian Roots: Angela Merkel


September 3 last at the Swiss University of Bern, the German Chancellor Angela Merkel repeated an idea very dear to Pope Benedict XVI regarding the need for Europe and Europeans to deepen the Christian praxis. She said that the best way to defend Europe against it's increasing Islamization is for the citizens of Europe to go to Church and read the bible and thus solidify one's Christian identity and thus be able to competently enter into fruitful dialogue. More people in Europe need the courage to say "I am a Christian believer."

Fear is useless, what is needed is more faith--the revival of the Christian faith of the Christians!

Ante el peligro de islamizaciĆ³n de Europa, Angela Merkel pide «volver a la Iglesia y leer la Biblia»‘Courageous Christians with biblical foundations’ needed, says Merkel
Merkel University of Bern interview video clip: 3 min (German)

The Full Conference