Sunday, August 26, 2018

Expose and Depose the Homophiles Who are Running the Church, at Every Level! THE VIGANO PLAN

May the historic testimony of His Excellency Carlo Maria Viganò begin a new era in the Church and in the world.

Those in authority who are notoriously immoral need to be removed by their rightful superiors. 

Popes, Cardinals, The Roman Curial Officials, Ordinaries, Bishops, Abbots, Religious Superiors, Episcopal Vicars, Chancery Officials, Rectors of Seminaries, Pastors, all have a policing responsibility in the Church to ensure that all of those under their watch who have care of souls are shepherds and not wolves! They have a serious obligation to ensure the sound doctrine and upright character of those under them; if they do not fulfill that obligation, then they themselves are the wolves devouring the sheep!

We no longer need pastors to "smell like the sheep," the pastors need to smell like the Good Shepherd alone, Christ our Blessed Lord and God!, and extend his sweet fragrance which is virginal. "The smell of the sheep" of the bad shepherds has become an unbearable stench at every level of the Church! It needs to be completely cleaned out.

All those who are suffering the injustices of the present immorality and abuse of authority of their ecclesiastical superiors (including the gross neglect to rightly exercise that authority) should expose those men by name and demand, by all means, their immediate removal from office, following the example of the heroic Cardinal Viganò! So, for example, if the pastor of your parish is a notorious homosexualist you need to demand his immediate removal, and not rest until he's gone, for good of the Church and the salvation of souls!

The shepherds are in dire need of shepherding! And everyone in the Church should forcefully demand that it be accomplished.

Miserere nobis, Domine! Miserere nobis! Blessed Lord, please rid the Church of the plague of Sodom!

Let us call it THE VIGANO PLAN. ¡A crear lío!

N.B. Canon 521 of the Code of Canon Law on the Required Integrity of Pastors.

P.S. A good rule of thumb is that a priest in authority who acts like a faggot probably is a faggot, and should be removed just upon that principle, and because of the huge harm to the faith which comes from the bad image (scandal! of clerical proportions). It's the Viganò Plan, which is necessary to erase the insidious McCarrick method of harming the faith! Let the faithful Catholics stand up and shamelessly expose and get rid of the homophiles, based on that principle which is so well manifested in the McCarrick case.