Friday, November 11, 2022

The Devotion of "The Three Hail Mary's"

Below I suggest an easy way to fulfill the powerful daily devotion of the three Hail Mary's. Then I offer a few brief reasons for it.

The Devotion of "The Three Hail Mary's"

At bedtime, at the bedside, kneeling, make The Sign of the Cross and say three Hail Mary's and a Glory Be, closing again with The Sign of the Cross. (At the start of this nightly devotion it is good to make also a brief examination of conscience [with a quick glance over the day] to repent of one's sins and make a short Act of Contrition, e.g. Kyrie eleison [Lord, have mercy!].)

Rising, again kneeling at the bedside, make The Sign of the Cross and say the three Hail Mary's and a Glory Be, closing with The Sign of the Cross. At the start of this morning prayer it is good to briefly make the intention to offer the day to God with all of its joys and sorrows. (An Apostle's Creed may be used for this daily offering.)

Another convenient and highly commendable context of the three Hail Mary's is at midday, to simply say The Angelus, wherever you may find yourself. It consists, basically, in three Hail Mary's.

Some Reasons for this Devotion

Piety, supernatural piety is essential for man, because man is relational, and the most basic relationship is man's personal intimate relationship with God, responding to the divine initiative. It is of the distinctive nature of man to think of his own approaching death, judgment, and eternal retribution (heaven and hell). "I am the Lord your God" is the first commandment of the law of God. To love God is the first necessity of man, and the best way to do that is through Mary.

Constancy is an important virtue to persevere in piety, to have a serious interior life with God. It is important to make a commitment to God and to keep it. "Make your vows to the Lord and keep them." Psalm 76:11

The Church, in fact, grants a plenary indulgence, available at the moment of death (in articulo mortis), to faithful, properly disposed, who habitually recited some prayers in their lifetime, even if unable to be assisted by a priest and the sacraments. That is an assurance of heaven, for those who want to be saved.
Enchiridion of Indulgences, 1968, 28.