Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Eucharist: the "Leap of Faith"

Eva Vlaardingerbroek

Here are my favorite quotes from the interview. I freely paraphrase.

Eva. Rome is my favorite city.

Q. Why did you, in your Christian faith search, settle on the Catholic Church?

Eva. The Eucharist.

...I considered that the only reason I had not to believe Jn. 6 was that I could not rationalize it, and thought that this was the "leap of faith" that was required. It is ironic that fundamentalist protestants will not accept this fundamental Christian tenant simply because they cannot philosophically accept it, when it is their claim that all should be accepted simply on faith without philosophical justification.

...Since I travel all the time, being a Catholic it is a great comfort to realize that I have a home everywhere in the world; I can seek counsel from a priest, go to confession, go to Mass every day, everywhere.

...In my political involvement the key question for me became: "...but what do I base my morality on. What's the source? What's the foundation? The Catholic faith.

Q. Are you concerned that your views and comments might be too harsh?

Eva. "I'd much rather be a radical in the fight against evil than a moderate."

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