Thursday, April 23, 2015

Men are Smarter than Women

Out of 1443 Chess Grandmasters (which is the highest chess title available aside from World Champion) currently 31 are women (2.2%).

If there were no difference between male and female intelligence there would be no need for an exclusively female chess tournament. But, in fact, even in our militant (largely misguided) feminist age there is a separate tournament for women just as there are separate tournaments for pro-sports and olympic sports (presumably "transgenders" need not apply!).

Men and women are different. You don't need to be a scientist to figure that out. In fact, it is the scientists who are constantly trying (unsuccessfully) to disprove it. Meanwhile, men continue to beat women in chess, in sports, in business and in politics. Could it be that women are made by God to stay at home and nurture children (with plenty of room for exceptions and due regard for legitimate personal freedom, individual differences of temperament, etc.).

Women are actually, to date, the exclusive child-bearers. No man in history has yet been able to so much as conceive a child, never mind give birth or breast feed. Only women can potentially breast feed! At least on that level it is clearly the plan of the Creator that women slow down and stop thinking and start emoting to have babies and nurture and tend to them with sweetness and tenderness, and without lust (which is no small matter!).

Women are especially adept at virginal purity, which is also a forbidden notion in our sexist charged world that wills to deny all difference. For example, have you ever heard of a female rapist or child-molester? They are as rare as a female chess grandmasters! thank God!

And the greatest Saint in history is a woman: The Mother of God, the Most Blessed and Ever Virgin Mary. And most of the men ran away from Calvary. Except for Saint John, the only men that were there were being crucified with him and doing the crucifying. But Saint Matthew tells us that there were many women there! Cf. Matthew 27:55

Greatness is not therefore determined by physical strength, nor by violence or force, or even by analytical acumen (chess smarts). Greatness is determined rather by likeness to God! viz. goodness, honesty, loyalty, kindness, patience, long-suffering, perseverance, humility, generosity, courage and piety. The greatest virtues are charity, hope and faith; prudence, justice, fortitude and temperance. And it is the saints (of either gender) who most achieve them! Women, children and men are called to be saints, the measure of true human greatness, and it is those who are like little children who are the best fit for holiness! Cf. Matthew 18:2-4

Oh, and lest we forget, Jesus Christ is male. God became male when he became man, born of the Woman of women! Nevertheless, the greatest human person (the greatest creature) is a woman: the Mother of God, the Virginal Mary (Christ being a divine person: the Eternal Son of the Father: one in Being with the Creator, through Whom all things were made: He made them male and female).

N.B. And God created man to his own image: to the image of God he created him: male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27 Man is God's image and likeness, male and female! They are different and complimentary and both necessary according to the plan of the Creator from the beginning.

That's one of the reason homosexualism is such a distortion of reality, it is a denial of difference and thereby an implicit denial of the Creator by denying his obvious creative plan!

I think that the reason many people get so emotional about these basic facts of difference is that today, in the name of rights, women are being measured and fitted to the male model. Women should be feminine and men should be masculine and we need to rediscover what that means; and for that, we need holiness, personal holiness! We need to be like God, male and female! We need the wisdom of God, not just another research paper!

P.S. Lest we forget, women are more attractive than men. Beauty pageants are for young females! Thanks be to God! As we say in Spanish: el hombre es como el oso, mientras mas feo mas hermoso.
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