Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Solus Cum Sola

Solus cum sola non dicunt 'Ave'.

That is the moral lesson of the Padre Alberto scandal. Do not pray alone with a woman alone.

He said that her most attractive feature is her prayer life! The dictum is that a man alone with a woman alone do not just pray the Hail Mary. His case is one more tragic proof of the wisdom of that age old Catholic wisdom, and this: "Entre santa y santo paredes de cal y canto." (Teresa de Avila), viz. that distance is the best and only sure remedy for concupiscience: i.e. fuga.

All of this reminds me of the simple wisdom of an elderly Felician nun who told me in my first year of college seminary over twenty years ago: "Women and money, stay away from them!"

The Institution of Infidelity
What can we say about Episcopalianism, a community which enthusiastically accepts and promotes the Catholic failures to their clerical ranks, representing various degrees of sexual immorality and perversion (e.g. the unfaithful Padre Alberto, the perverse homosexualist ex-governor McGreevey, etc.) except that the Catholic Church is the One Holy Church of Jesus Christ and everything opposed to Her is the church of Satan, or, if you prefer, The Institution of Infidelity.
If the unrepentant unfaithful Catholics are welcome there then it is the "community" of the unfaithful. What a distinction! Small wonder. Their religion was founded on the murderous adulteries of their first "pope" Henry VIII. It is also no wonder that hundreds of thousands of the members of the worldwide Anglican communion are seeking entry into the Catholic Church to escape that dissolute institution in which the Sodomists have officially taken over. Their honest members come to us as our dishonest members go to them! Deo gratias!

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