I was aghast at a
Globe Trekker special yesterday on
New York City Public Television (channel 14) which explains and all but praises the ritual human sacrifices which Christianity non-violently cleansed from the Mexican culture!
In less than a decade from the miraculous apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe at the Aztec Capital, the entire Aztec Empire converted to Catholicism, pacifically and freely! Instead of sacrificing innocent babies to their false gods they now worship the baby God in the womb of His Mother, Our Lady of Guadalupe! That huge and glorious and peaceful chapter of Mexican history completely censored from the documentary. Of course, with legalized abortion and the promotion of homosexuality the ancient demons are worshiped again throughout the world, Aztec style!
The Aztecs were brought from human sacrifice and cannibalism to the worship of the Body and the Blood of the Lord, and Globe Trekker TV can only lament it, minimize it and try to ignore it.
The black legend used to calumniate Catholic annals' accurate depiction of these pagan horrors. Now, shockingly, popular media admits what we always new and attempts to legitimize it in the name of diversity and the promotion of the "noble savage" myth. This twist is actually a continuation of the black legend in it's strong anti-Catholic bias! Now, instead of denying the crimes against humanity of the savages they deny that cold blooded ritual murder is all that bad.
So, in the name of religion you outright malign and reject Christ. In the same name of religion you justify and promote every type of violence, rape, cannibalism and immorality! I fail to see the source of your zeal which glamorizes every form of evil while roundly condemning only one thing, the Catholic Church and every noble thing for which She stands! Looks like a clear case of demonic possession! Globe Trekker itself needs to be exorcised by the priests of the Church!