Monday, March 16, 2015

Patron of Italy a Palestinian Jew

Saint Joseph is a Jew who, himself (or anyone in his family), was never in Italy.

Nevertheless, he is the Patron of Italy because he is the Patron of the Universal Catholic Church; and the Italians, being Catholics, and home to the seat of Rome, the highest ranking episcopal See, that of Peter, (the city of Peter and Paul), embrace and own all things Catholic as properly their own.

So, the Patron of the Universal Church is necessarily the Patron of Rome the seat of her visible Head, and, by extension, of all of Italy!

So,...Happy Feast of Saint Joseph!

Or, perhaps, this great devotion was accented in competition with the Irish! whose patronal feast falls two days before that of the Italian.

Hopefully there will be no "gays" parading around our Saint Joseph Celebrations! Saint Joseph would not be pleased any more than Saint Patrick is!

N.B. Sacred Scripture and "the effeminate."

Please help keep our Saint Festivals clean!
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