Homosexualism is the promotion, acceptance or tacit approval of homosexuality.
It has become a prevailing ideology.
Call it homosexualism.
Name it!
Christians must name it and Christians must roundly condemn it as do Saint Paul (cf. Romans chapter 1 and Pope Benedict, cf. CDF letter on the pastoral care of persons with homosexual tendencies http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/documents/rc_con_cfaith_doc_19861001_homosexual-persons_en.html ).
To name this error is an act of love for the salvation of souls--especially for those embroiled in the resultant immorality and godlessness: caritas in veritate (cf. Ephesians 4:5 referenced by His Holiness in his homily for the close of the Pauline Year 28 June 2009 and in his Catholic University of America Address 17 April 2008: "We observe today a timidity in the face of the category of the good and an aimless pursuit of novelty parading as the realization of freedom. We witness an assumption that every experience is of equal worth and a reluctance to admit imperfection and mistakes. And particularly disturbing is the reduction of the precious and delicate area of education in sexuality to management of 'risk', bereft of any reference to the beauty of conjugal love. How might Christian educators respond? These harmful developments point to the particular urgency of what we might call 'intellectual charity'. This aspect of charity calls the educator to recognize that the profound responsibility to lead the young to truth is nothing less than an act of love. Indeed, the dignity of education lies in fostering the true perfection and happiness of those to be educated. In practice, 'intellectual charity' upholds the essential unity of knowledge against the fragmentation which ensues when reason is detached from the pursuit of truth. It guides the young towards the deep satisfaction of exercising freedom in relation to truth, and it strives to articulate the relationship between faith and all aspects of family and civic life".)
To remain silent is a lack of love.
Catholic education is an act of love!
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