"...[F]rom the beginning of creation, 'God made them male and female'... (Mk. 10:2-16)
This cosmological reference to Genesis (from last Sunday's novus ordo Mass [27th Sunday in Ordinary Time, B]) is Christ's own proof for the condemnation of divorce (and the adultery implicit therein), which is also a striking and timely condemnation of the immorality of man with man and woman with woman.
Why are sexual sins wrong? How do we know they are wrong? Because they go against the way God made marriage "from the beginning of creation!:" the union of one man and one woman, exclusive and permanent and for children.
Marriage is the only proper context for human genital contact. God made it so! It is no human invention! Marriage is the wonderful creation of God, it is the school of self donation, the best sign of His holy love. God is love, that is why sex must be holy!
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