"Woman, behold thy son." Jn. 19:27 With these words Christ crucified gives "the disciple" to Mary. In other words, the Mother of Jesus has a right to the reverence and honor (sonship) of each of His disciples. Our Lord, leaving her a childless widow (Saint Joseph probably having already left this world), entrusts His mother to the care of His faithful follower! To follow Christ is to care for Mary. The true follower of Christ must defend, promote, nurture and cherish Marian devotion, Christ commissioned it.
He first gives the disciple to Mary as her son. Christ from the cross gives first His beloved disciple to Mary--her property--"Woman, behold your son." So that every disciple of Christ, every human person (since all are called to be disciples of Christ) belongs to Mary. She has rights over us.
He first gives the disciple to Mary as her son. Christ from the cross gives first His beloved disciple to Mary--her property--"Woman, behold your son." So that every disciple of Christ, every human person (since all are called to be disciples of Christ) belongs to Mary. She has rights over us.
Even before we call her mother, she calls us son. This gives primacy to Mary, to her initiative, in our relationship with her. Because we are her sons she is our mother: because Christ gives us to her, she is ours).
Thus, every man is duty bound to Mary, we are her sons; therefore we must love and honor her as our mother: "Then he said to the disciple, 'Behold thy mother." And from that hour the disciple took her into his home." Mary has every right to our love and care in our families and in our homes.
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