The network is airing an incendiary advertisement explicitly maligning the pro-life stance as anti-woman, with the worn out and patently erroneous argument of making abortion "safe."
"Safe abortion" is an oxymoron! Legal abortion kills women and abuses girls and distorts femininity, in addition to destroying maternity in the destruction of the child. It is anti-woman and anti-girl and especially anti-mother; not just anti-baby, though it is also that.
The point in all of this is that pregnancy is a relationship, a personal relationship. Abortion destroys the relationship in destroying one (and at times, both) persons in that most intimate maternal, filial relationship. When that relationship is violently destroyed both persons are violated and damaged.
Abortion is against women and especially against the most innocent women, the young women, the girls, and it is a cover-up for the abuse of women, especially minors. Abuse of women is the major cause of abortion! It is false and deceptive, not to mention, way out-dated, to portray it as their salvation: "safe."
"Safe abortion" is an oxymoron! Legal abortion kills women and abuses girls and distorts femininity, in addition to destroying maternity in the destruction of the child. It is anti-woman and anti-girl and especially anti-mother; not just anti-baby, though it is also that.
The point in all of this is that pregnancy is a relationship, a personal relationship. Abortion destroys the relationship in destroying one (and at times, both) persons in that most intimate maternal, filial relationship. When that relationship is violently destroyed both persons are violated and damaged.
Abortion is against women and especially against the most innocent women, the young women, the girls, and it is a cover-up for the abuse of women, especially minors. Abuse of women is the major cause of abortion! It is false and deceptive, not to mention, way out-dated, to portray it as their salvation: "safe."