Here is a great video by Michael Voris on the heretical history of communion standing and in the hand and the Spanish history rejecting it in favor of kneeling and directly on the tongue, to our own day! the Prefect for the Congregation of Divine Worship, from Toledo Spain (Canizares), leading the way.
Unfortunately, the organizers of the World Youth Day Masses are still getting it very wrong with countless people stretching out one hand to haphazardly grab hosts in the chaotic communion mob distribution which is so typical of those massive Masses. The candles of the altar we not properly designed to stay lit nor was the distribution of Holy Communion properly organized. The diocesan liturgical organizers need to pay more serious attention to every detail of the Mass so that so obvious problems not occur. Anyone should know that you need a special type of torch or candle or candle covering to keep a flame on the altar at an airstrip! and that it should be tested beforehand if there is any doubt. Probably the regular tabernacle sanctuary vigil candles in a bottle would work fine, especially if they are partially consumed.
The problem of communion distribution should be entrusted to a group like Opus Dei. I heard once of a Eucharistic Congress in Spain for which they organized the distribution of Holy Communion. The isles were in the form of spokes from a central point radiating out and a limousine in each isle with a tabernacle in each limo stopped at each communion station along the isle, the priest opened the door and took a ciborium and distributed communion and later waited for the returning limo at the end of the distribution and the ciboria, which had been brought from the parishes of that region where later reverently taken back to their respective parishes by the priests that had brought them from their parishes for that purpose. Consider how edifying it would be for the world to see us using our best modern vehicles exclusively for God.
Communion at Papal Masses should never be out of order. That needs to stop immediately! And for that to stop the poor bishops need to be liturgically more pro-active in union with the reform of the reform!!! The Holy Father is doing his part by marking the way and setting the standard (communion only on the tongue and kneeling), but that needs to trickle down soon, now! Enough with chaotic communions! Don't tell us about successful World Youth Days in which our Eucharistic Lord is handed around as if a simple cracker!