If the Republican Party were shooting straight it's platform would say something like:
Contraception is a sin!
Homosexuality is a sin!
Abortion is a sin!
Christ's enemies (and ours) are bolder in flaunting their evil designs and justifying their perversions than we are in condemning them! Shame on us! The nation should be filled with billboards declaring these immortal moral truths. Lust in all its forms is to be condemned and never justified. These are non-sectarian natural truths which should be taught in our schools and no hint of contradicting them should be tolerated. To teach otherwise is sectarian teaching and therefore a violation of the First Amendment of our Constitution which forbids the government from teaching religious ideology. These forms of immorality have always been part of the religion of gnosticism which is the religion of our public schools. And they have always and everywhere been condemned by true religion which our government has no authority to contradict! (The Catholic Church always gets it straight because She is the only Institution on earth founded by Jesus Christ and infallible in Her moral and doctrinal teaching).
In addition to being sins it is important in the present psychologized moral climate to clarify that they are sins against nature. Since they are against nature any attempt to legitimize them is especially perverse. To say that they are natural (that what is against nature is natural) is a denial of reality at it's base, a distortion of truth and an implicit denial of God, the Author of nature and Source of all true science. Male and female and human life and life's sacred origin in the marital embrace are natural realities which cannot be altered or denied without grave harm to all persons involved including great moral distortion and confusion.
Furthermore, any inclination towards grave sin is itself a disordered lust. Homosexual lust is at least as sinful as lust for fornication or adulterous lust or incestuous lust (cf. 1Cor. 5:1-8, the first reading from today's Mass).
It is not morally helpful and unnecessarily confuses the issue to say that "they are born that way" or "that is the way they are." Concupiscence (inclination toward sin) is part of the fallen condition of the entire human family, a consequence of original sin. We are all "born that way" and "are that way", viz. inclined to myriad forms of sin and lust and we must all control are disordered passions so as not to sin, even in the heart.
A thousand unsolicited temptations do not constitute one sin. On the other hand: "he who lusts after a woman (or a man) in his heart has already sinned with her (or him) in his heart." (Matt. 5:27-28) Sin is a decision, those who refuse are never guilty of it. But all those bent on it in their perverse decision (lust) are already in sin and in dire need of repentance and absolution.
May God bless America and bring us back to moral clarity with the necessary help of true religion against the prevalent gnosticism which has so confused us and even silenced our preachers.
Homosexuality is a sin! Contraception is a sin! Abortion is a sin!
Say it!
Preach it!
Teach it!