Following up on
our post regarding the holiness of the popes for the past two centuries, here we look briefly at the names of the saints chosen by the past several pontiffs. There is a trend here. The emphasis is Evangelical, contemplative and apostolic, and above all emphasis on holiness, personal holiness! Believe. Witness. Contemplate God's face in Christ. And bring the Gospel to the whole world!
Pope Saint Pius I and later Pope Saint Pius X: the emphasis here is piety, sincere adoration of Christ and defense against His enemies (gnostics and modernists: those who change the truth according to man made myths).
John--The evangelist, clarity in the proclamation of Christ, Who He is: God, the one true God. The Baptist, to point out Christ and His truth unto martyrdom (counting not the cost).
Paul--Apostolic zeal to spread the Gospel to all men, Jews and Greeks alike. Mission ad gentes, especially the Greeks (to end our millenial schism).
Benedict--Study and synthesis of the faith and the promotion of all noble human endeavors (science, the arts, etc.) while reconciling them with God and faith in Him. Proclamation as a fruit of contemplation of Christ and Christian meditation.
Francis--Emphasis on giving everything away, going out and closeness to others for God's sake in Christ.