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Eve by Solomon Joseph Solomon (British, 1860-1927) |
The homosexualist "anti-bullying" propaganda is completely misplaced because the primary and supreme bully of the person who abuses his own body is himself! He abuses himself and makes himself abused in his perverse actions. For society to sanction and otherwise deride that destructive self-abuse is not hatred at all but kindness.
Fags are their own bullies every time they fag around, and, if they do it publicly, they bully the public with their faggotry!
N.B. This thought came to me as I was reading the opening section of Joseph Ratzinger's treatment of Tertullian's montanist De Pudicitia in the prize winning Ratzinger 1951 thesis The People and House of God in the Doctrine of Saint Augustine on the Church. Here is the quote, which I only have in the German and Spanish versions.
Tertuliano luchó con vigoroso apasionamiento contra el pecado de la lascivia en su obra montanista sobre el pudor. Entre las armas no menos importantes que emplea en la lucha para librar la batalla está la mención de la extraordinaria dignidad del cuerpo humano, que dicho pecado ofende. Mientras las demás faltas, como explica Tertuliano apoyándose en Pablo, se quedan en la esfera de lo externo (Omne delictum quod admiserit homo, extra copus est, qui autem fornicatur, in corpus suum peccat, Tertuliano, Pud 16 [PL 2,1011], cf. 1 Cor 6,18) , este pecado se introduce en el centro del propio yo, todavía más: es un ataque a una propiedad exclusiva divina, pues el cuerpo pertenece a Dios (Corpus autem non fornicationi, sed deo: ibíd.; cf. 1 Cor 6,13)--a Dios, del que lleva la imagen--, puesto que Tertulliano aplica al cuerpo la semejanza divina de la que hablan las primeras páginas de la Escritura.
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Adam and eve by Antonio Molinari (1701-1704) |
Ratzinger, Obras Completas (I, Capítulo 3: El Concepto de la Iglesia en Tertuliano, § 7 La Iglesia, comunión de la disciplina, 1. La semejanza divina del cuerpo), 70.
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N.B. What is more, "Sensitivity" training and "anti-bully" programs in this area are themselves bullying everyone into the pro-sodomite movement. It is perverting to force us to consider, speak of, and "respect" these shameful perversions of human intercourse. Cf. Eph. 5:12