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Doctor irrefragabilis |
"[...]quia haec scientia primo generat fidem, et postea mundato corde per fidem operantem per dilectionem generat intellectum. Unde haec est differentia istius doctrinae, quae est sapeintia, ab aliis, quae sunt scientiae: quia hic ipsum 'credere' introducit ipsum 'intelligere'; in aliis vero ipsum 'intelligere' introducit ipsum 'credere'" eo enim quod intelligit, assentit."
--Suma Halensis (Summa of Alexander of Hales) I tr. intr. q.1 cap. 1 ad 4 (I 3b)
"Apud Aristotelem argumentum est ratio faciens fidem. Sed apud Christum est fides faciens rationem. Unde Aristoteles: Intellige et credes. Sed Christus: Crede et intelliges."
--Simon of Tournai (Gramann, Methode II, 550)
Both quotes from Joseph Ratzinger, Obras Completas II, 334 n. 50.
Here is my translation.
Science first generates faith, and, after being purified by the heart through faith operating through love, it generates understanding. Whence here is the difference between that doctrine, which is wisdom, and the others which are sciences: that here the "credere" itself introduces the "intelligere"; in the others it is rather the "intelligere" which introduces the "credere" itself: thus, out of that which one understands he give assent.
According to Aristotle argument is the reason which causes faith. But according to Christ it is faith which causes reason.
Aristotle: Understand and you believe.
...Christ: Believe and you understand.