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Christ and the Woman of Samaria II Guercino |
Having gone to the movies yesterday, to "the feelgood movie of the year" I wake up this morning with a bad feeling about it.
The story is conflicted because of the centrality of its fornication. The plot is built upon an illicit union, which is presented glamorously and without the least hint of wrong. However, the instability of that false union is a central element of the irrational and non-sequitur nature of the Alice in Wonderland-ish plot. The trouble is that the fact that the fornication culture is a major and central source of the superficiality of the present American experiment is totally lost on both producers and audience. By movie's end, one is left with an unidentified consciousness of profound tragedy. Fornication is the tragedy of La La Land. It is the greatest personal failure which only steals from every success.
Marriage is permanent, exclusive and fruitful: God-like, i.e. holy.
To it's credit, La La Land did show the difference between marriage and fornication, regarding permanence and fertility. But the obvious fact of our fornications is that the fornicator is deeply damaged by his moral failure in that act, dirtied by the condom, and poisoned by the pill, and that the fornication causes murder (e.g. at least with abortion and abortifacients). In addition to ignoring the great ill of impermanence, another great omission is the failure to present the absence of fidelity (exclusivity) in passionate flings outside of marriage. Surely Sebastian, the fornicator, without Christ, would not be celibate for five years in the absence of his concubine. Whence his inexplicable newfound implicit chastity? Pure fiction!
One final great fiction of the film is that God is totally absent from show-business, except to take His name in vain. Even the Hollywood fiction is not that unreal. There are churches and believers all over LA! The arts are naturally filled with the the Lord of beauty! To exclude Him is to create a monster, even if an attractive one.
Read Romans 1:18-32. Atheism is the source of all of our confusion, and our abandonment to our lusts is the manifestation thereof. And, ultimately, the La La Land Godless myth leads to homosexualism (total moral disorientation) and to death! because we reject the God of truth and life, Jesus Christ: the Way, the Truth, and the Life.