Friday, April 21, 2017
Google Doodle Ignores Easter!
Today is Friday of the Octave of Easter, tomorrow Saturday of the same Octave of Easter. Google continues to play dumb and to neglect any mention of Catholic/Orthodox Christian Feasts, with its positivist and arbitrary, meaningless secular inventions to supplant our Western heritage, going all out in promotion of feasts that nobody celebrates.
More than a sixth of the world's population is now celebrating Easter and Google wishes us a happy earth day.
No, Resurrexit! sicut dixit! Alleluia!
The consolation in this is that the Church and the world will celebrate the Glorious Resurrection of Jesus Christ long after the world has forgotten both "earth day" and Google, and into eternity, in the Glory of God the Father, Creator and Lord of heaven and earth.
Since Easter Sunday, last Sunday, until Ascension Thursday, May 25th, 2017, we are celebrating, worshiping, and commemorating the fact that Christ walked the earth for forty days in His glorified Flesh and Bones, Soul and Divinity, and that ten days later He will send forth the Holy Spirit on the last day of Easter, Pentecost Sunday. All Christians worship these things, all over the world, for two thousand years, with or without Google!
Happy Easter to all, including the negligent Christ deniers of Google Doodle!
Below is a photograph of the negative from the Shroud of Turin, of the image scorched on the burial cloth of our Blessed Lord when He miraculously exploded our of it, leaving it intact with the image of his entire body, front and back. That, indeed, would be a novel Doodle for Google, a picture of the actual resurrection, viz. real religion, instead of all the fake religion it forces on us.