Thursday, August 17, 2017

Racial Discrimination is Alive and Well in USA!

I don't say that because of the recent events in Charlottesville, VA. Actually, I do think Robert E. Lee is a national icon and the Confederate Flag is a great symbol of American freedom and democracy (and Christianity) and is not a symbol of slavery and racism any more than the Civil War was a war about slavery but rather about the northern disenfranchisement and domination of the South.

The place I do see obvious discrimination in America is in most of our urban areas. After close to two centuries of "freedom" for the blacks, show me one prosperous non-white town in America where all of the businesses and properties and all of the government posts are even a majority in black hands. Non-existent! It's all white! All of the prosperity is white! The welfare system is worse than slavery with the subculture which it encourages and perpetuates, designed and built by "urban planners" to perpetuate the misery. Actually, what we are doing now with abortion is black genocide! Our black American population has been decimated by abortion! In my neighborhood, predominantly black, most of the blacks are not American but first and second generation Caribbean and African.

I have spent the past 30 years ministering in urban America and in neighborhoods, towns and cities which are majority "non-white" the fire departments, the road repair workers, the PSE&G and other blue collar public service agencies' workers are often mainly white. Totally disproportionate! Police forces and school districts are better representative of their respective populations, though even in that there are places that are still unjustly majority white serving a black population, as we see in Furgeson. Show me one place in America where the opposite is the case, viz. that the blue collar public service workers are non-white in a mainly white place. Does not exist in these USA! Racism, plain and simple.

Trump is right that the grave injustice of our inner-cities needs to be righted, though I am not sure he has the recipe to do it (which Giuliani had and achieved within one decade in NYC!).

P.S. Slaughter of the Cities. Clintonian/Obama-ish communism is the cause of that disaster.
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