Santiago Matamoros, ora pro nobis! |
There is a significant (and ever growing) body of radical Islamists who have declared a religious war against the Christian West. Actually, the case might be made that the very nature of Islam, with its military diffusion from the beginning--from the sword of its founder Mohammed himself--is avowedly and violently opposed to Christian civilization. In any case, because of that militant body of Islamists and the rash of violence which they have perpetrated over the past few decades and which today is becoming a daily phenomenon, it seems to me that all Muslims should be expelled from our lands. Convert to Christianity or leave.
That was the logic of Spain when it expelled the Moors in 1609, under also very and persistently violent circumstances, after previously having been seven centuries under Muslim occupation. Perhaps today we are all starting to experience the critical crisis of this moment in history. We should peacefully admit that we are in the middle of an religious war and take our side with Christ, and send them all away as Spain did, with the aid of heaven, for the good of the world!
USA, Europe and all nations of Christian heritage should write amendments to their constitutions embracing and promoting that Christian heritage and expelling all Muslims from our lands, and hereafter forbidding any institutions (religious or otherwise) which pose a direct threat to our Christian civil society.
USA, Europe and all nations of Christian heritage should write amendments to their constitutions embracing and promoting that Christian heritage and expelling all Muslims from our lands, and hereafter forbidding any institutions (religious or otherwise) which pose a direct threat to our Christian civil society.
Happy All Saints Day!