Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Cardinal Ratzinger on the Important Contribution of Vatican II

Cardinal Ratzinger indicates five fundamental aspects of importance in the Vatican II heritage.

1. The importance given to the Bible and the the Church Fathers.
2. The new personalist image of man.
3. The affirmation regarding the essence of the Church.
4. The ecumenical emphasis.
5. The liturgical renewal.

Regarding the last point the Cardinal observes that the liturgical renewal "...has not always proved helpful for the faithful."

In that regard, Ratzinger says that in general Christians should be a critical force. "...[T]he world needs, more than our acceptance, self-criticism, critical objections, and solidarity should be critical. The critical capacity which the Christian has in the face of certain evolutions should reach its full effect."
The reform needs reform!

A 1988 interview by "30giorni" in Joseph Ratzinger, Ser cristiano en la era neopagana, Madrid: Encuentro, 1995, 118-119.

P.S. The purpose of the Francis papacy is to give us time to study and digest the Wojtyla/Ratzinger magisterium.

P.S.S. It is interesting to compare this 1988 Ratzinger list of the Council heritage with a similar Council objectives list of his from 1966. The only significant difference between the two assessments is the 1988 note critical of the liturgical reform and pointing out the world's need for Christians to be critical of what they are being fed in and outside the Church!
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