Wednesday, October 23, 2019

"A Ministry of Abominable Ruin" --S. Claret

Saint Anthony Mary Claret (Dec. 23, 1807, Oct. 24, 1870), Apostle of Cuba

Today is the traditional feast of Saint Anthony Mary Claret (in the new calendar, tomorrow). Below are some passages from a page of The Autobiobraphy of the Saint, who dedicated his apostolic life to extending the knowledge and love of God, including through his publishing work. Saint Anthony Mary Claret exposes, condemns and challenges the unjust position, the evil work, and wrong-headed intention of a modern mass media which presumes to place itself above the Word of God.

"The right to speak and to teach, which the Church received in the persons of the apostles from God Himself, has been usurped by a mob of dark journalists and of most ignorant charlatans."

"Every intention of salvation will be sterile if the great catholic word is not restored in all of its fullness."

"The ministry of the word, which, is, at the same time, the most august and the most invincible of all, since by it the world was conquered, has converted itself everywhere from a ministry of salvation into a ministry of abominable ruin. And just as nothing could contain its triumphs in apostolic times, so nothing and no one will be able to contain its havoc if an attempt is not made to confront it by means of the preaching of Priests and of a great abundance of good books and other holy and salutary writings."

Autobiografia, Barcelona: Claret, 1985, 225.

Saint Anthony Mary Claret's tomb is in the Church bearing his name in Vic (Catalonia), Spain.
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