"The political moralism of the 1970s, the roots of which are far from dead, was a moralism that succeeded in fascinating even young people who were full of ideals. But it was a moralism that took the wrong direction, since it lacked the serenity born of rationality. In the last analysis, it attached a higher value to the political utopia than to the dignity of the individual and it showed itself capable of despising man in the name of great objectives,... forgetting about God,... [leaving] in his place big words (and values) that are open to every kind of abuse."
Joseph Ratzinger, Subiaco Address, April 1, 2005, in Christianity and the Crisis of Cultures, San Francisco: Ignatius, 2006, 28, also published in The Essential Pope Benedict XVI, New York: HarperOne, 2008, 326 and in Joseph Ratzinger in Communio: Volume 2, Anthropology and Culture, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2013, 189.
This wrongly-directed "political moralism," mentioned by Ratzinger, is very evident in today's contempt for chastity, the contempt for the sanctity and reverence of the human body (especially that of the female), and the contempt for marriage, for the marital/procreative act and for the nuclear family, and in the consequent murder of the unborn and in a general confusion regarding gender. Contraception and reproduction sterilizations are deemed "healthy" while virginity and celibacy are derided and condemned as draconian repressions of "nature," but human nature is supposedly denied. This new elite morality has abandoned basic intelligence and rational argument in favor of raw violence in the violation of the weak and defenseless person in the name of "rights," "freedom," "tolerance" and "women's health." In the name of free-speech and tolerance, this new elite forbids all discourse which might challenge its irrational politically-correct agenda.
Larry Chapp NAPALMs a Cardinal!
1 hour ago