Mary, the "gratia plena" (full of grace), is the greatest creation of the eternal Artist. So, even in the deepest sense, in the supernatural sense, ars gratia artis: in Maria. May our contemporary artists all remember Holy Mary, the fullness of grace, holy femeninity, divine direction, the value of virginity and holy motherhood and the God child in their work. Then they will remember and truly serve the genuine good of the people they influence by their works.
I present this as an alternate meaning to the originally intended meaning of "art for art's sake", a concept that emphasizes the autonomous value of art and regards preoccupations with morality, utility, realism and didacticism as irrelevant or inimical to artistic quality. It was the guiding principle of the AESTHETIC MOVEMENT. And it is false! Beauty is essentially related to truth and to humanity. My translation is therefore the more appropriate and should supplant the earlier and anarchic understanding of the arts which ruins the arts themselves in ruining man.
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