Saturday, March 13, 2010

God's Look Alike

Today's Mass reading from Hosea 6:16 speaks of the urgent need for real divine intimacy saying "Let us know, let us strive to know the Lord," not superficially but with the greatest depths.

In scripture "knowing" and "getting to know" is an image for the marital act, marital intimacy. "To know the Lord" is to be intimate with Him, to go deep with Him, to have Him on the inside and to get inside Him, to feel Him, to want to feel Him , to struggle to be one flesh with Him. Below is my translation of Saint John of the Cross' description of the likeness in beauty resulting from divine intimacy.

"'We shall see ourselves in Your beauty.' Through the exercise of [divine intimacy] we shall see ourselves in Your beauty; that is, that we shall be likened in beauty, and that Your beauty be such that, looking at one and the other, it shall look like You in Your beauty and shall see itself in Your beauty, which shall be transforming myself in Your beauty; and thus I shall see You in Your beauty and You me in Your beauty; and You shall see You in me in Your beauty, and I shall see me in You in Your beauty; and thus I shall be like You in Your beauty and You shall be like me in Your beauty, my beauty shall be Your beauty and Your beauty my beauty, and I shall be You in Your beauty, and You shall be me in Your beauty, because Your beauty itself shall be my beauty. This is the adoption of the sons of God, who will truly say to God what the Son Himself said through Saint John (17:10) to the Eternal Father Omnia mea tua sunt, et tua mea sunt; which means: 'Father, all things Mine are Yours and all things Yours are Mine'; He by essence, being the natural Son, we by participation, being adoptive sons, thus He said it not only for Himself, He Who is the Head, but for all the mystical body, which is the Church."

The Spiritual Canticle (A) 35 Song, 5 (BAC p. 548)

Therefore, in the highest level of human intimacy with God you shall see yourself in Him and He shall see you in Himself. And you shall see Him in you and He also shall see Himself in you!!! And that seeing will be a reflection of the metaphysical, you will see it because it will be so in fact. The reality of you being in Him and He in you shall be manifest in the shared divine beauty.

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