Please note that the top woman player and the top man player in the world, who will be playing in the US Open final Sunday and Monday successively both wear a cross! Jesus Christ is alive and well on planet earth, even among the youth of the world. God bless their witness, and their games!!
In light of the prevalence of the cross among the players, I would have to say that the cross seems to be the most popular logo on the court! More players advertise the Cross of Jesus Christ than they do for Nike or Adidas. And what is certain is that none of the players are paid anything for advertising for our blessed Lord and his way! They do it for free. Many of the best athletes in the world wear the logo of the Church without charge! That is remarkable. Who said that economics rules the world. No, my friends, Jesus Christ is forever Lord over all. Praised be Jesus Christ.
However I have one question. Why is Novak Djokovic's cross so cheap and so distracting his game? In the match today against Federer he had to continually tuck the plain wooden cross on a string back in under his shirt. Is he under the common misunderstanding that everything dedicated to God should be rustic, bare and of low material quality and value? Get the best for God, man, and drive a crummy car if you want! Your cross should cost at least as much as your sneakers!!!
When young men start giving their fiancees a bag of cement instead of the best diamond rings, only then will I accept that we should not use the best we have for God! Throughout scripture God demands that the best be given for his worship: e.g. the first born and the first fruits, without defect. Christ defends Mary Magdalene when she anoints his with the ointment worth a year's salary! Judas alone objected to the great expense as unnecessary.
Caroline Wozniacki wears a fashionable cross at the Open, as seen in the picture.