How should we more correctly name that organization which militates so effectively against the good health and well-being of women, fecundity, spousal love and the family?
Planned Sterility
In a recent interview Mayor Bloomberg said that he should like his legacy as mayor to be public health and education. Well, the first thing he needs to do is learn that public health and education begin in the home under the watchful eye of mom and dad.
New York needs a "Say No To Fornication" campaign followed by a "Say No To Adultery" and a "Say No To Sodomy" campaign.
Could the city institute a ban on public displays of homosexual affection? That would be a very effective way to improve public health and education especially among the young.
We need to get serious about promoting decency and forcefully opposing immorality.
Immorality is dirty, by definition, bad for your health. Much worse than cigarette smoke! Mr. Mayor, you can't be pro-immorality and pro-public health and education!
Also, immorality is often coupled with ignorance of morality. We need Jesus Christ to enlighten our cities on right and wrong and mayors can do a great deal to help foster the city environment to be friendly to the Messiah, without being sectarian! Families like that.
Families prefer not having their children taught sex-ed in school. Families prefer not to see lewd conduct (e.g. homosexual displays of affection). Families prefer not to have condoms pushed into their face on our city streets. And families begin male and female, with the two becoming one flesh.