Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Legal Perplexity
If States legalize pot, e.g. you can grow pot in your own back yard, doesn't it seem ridiculous that we should simultaneously cling to long since antiquated and ineffective drinking age laws? If pot is legal and drinking is not then we are promoting the use of marijuana, at least among the young.
Another example of legal confusion is sex in the military. With the president's mandate on homo's in the military doesn't that mean that if General Petraeus were in an homo adultery he would be able to trump the anti-adultery law of the military? Makes one wonder and marvel at the illogic of perversion promoted in America today. The message is that homo sex is better than and less harmful than adultery, at least for the military.
It seems that in America today you can (in some States, at least) take bong hits before you can drink wine with dinner, and you can screw around in the military as long as you do it homo style.
I have long considered the drinking age (21) an unjust imposition by the federal government--forced on all of the States a few decades ago. Now there are even threat campaigns against parents who allow their underage children to drink in their own homes. In my (Mediterranean) culture we give children to taste what the adults drink at any age and do not need any government to tell us how to do it. Our culture also has a taboo on drunkenness, so that there is always drink in the house and on the table and never is anyone allowed to abuse it. We taboo debauchery not drink. As is often the case in Catholic morality, it is the extreme conduct (abuse) that is condemned, not the natural element!
Even Saint Benedict (the great Father of Western monasticism) made an exception in his Rule on abstinence from drink when dealing with the southern countries of Europe.
The separation of Church and State in America should prohibit every form of State regulation and prohibition of alcoholic beverages, except to the degree that any other food is controlled (against unsanitary products), but not as if it were a drug to be forbidden! That is a Protestant and Puritan religious carry-over and perhaps a subtle if slight form of anti-Catholicism.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Einstein's Greatest Law
"Albert Einstein said that in the laws of nature 'is revealed a reason so superior that all rational thinking and all human laws are a comparatively insignificant reflection.'" (Il Mondo come lo vedo io, Roma 2005)
Intelligent Design by the author of relativity himself!
The Einstein quote is from Pope Benedict's last Wednesday Audience (14th) on ways to discover God: in the world of nature, in man himself, in the witness of living faith.
By the way, yesterday was Albert's namesake day: Saint Albert the Great, the great founder of the modern rational movement, clarifying the autonomous integrity of the discoveries of reason, and a great Saint. The teacher of Saint Thomas Aquinas who perfected that absolute respect and search for truth in all its sources.
Click on Saint Albert's name for Pope Benedict's synopsis of his life.
Intelligent Design by the author of relativity himself!
The Einstein quote is from Pope Benedict's last Wednesday Audience (14th) on ways to discover God: in the world of nature, in man himself, in the witness of living faith.
By the way, yesterday was Albert's namesake day: Saint Albert the Great, the great founder of the modern rational movement, clarifying the autonomous integrity of the discoveries of reason, and a great Saint. The teacher of Saint Thomas Aquinas who perfected that absolute respect and search for truth in all its sources.
Click on Saint Albert's name for Pope Benedict's synopsis of his life.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Playboy the Predator
How many millions of cases similar to the one below (The French actress Eva Ionesco [47] has sued her mother, the pornographer Irina Ionesco [77]) might not be brought out in America!
Things Were More Liberal and Free Then
See the survey I recommend for the much needed thorough cleansing of the soul of modern man: Stone Trowing for Dummies.
In this regard see also Naomi Schaefer Riley's New York Post story on the fifteen year old girl who killed herself a couple of weeks ago because of "consensual" statutory rape: four football players on one girl and there is no law against it! When will we realize the child sexual molestation is wrong even when the predators or juvenile?
And, to add to the mix, remember Woodstock 99 turned rape fest which has quietly passed into the annals of our disgraceful recent history.
Where is the ACLU when we need it the most? It seems so obsessed with promoting Planned Parenthood's Abortion federal funding that it forgets about the poor girls and innocent children (not to mention the unborn)! In this case ACLU's 11 November 2012 New York Times open letter to the president, two out of three is bad.
Things Were More Liberal and Free Then
See the survey I recommend for the much needed thorough cleansing of the soul of modern man: Stone Trowing for Dummies.
In this regard see also Naomi Schaefer Riley's New York Post story on the fifteen year old girl who killed herself a couple of weeks ago because of "consensual" statutory rape: four football players on one girl and there is no law against it! When will we realize the child sexual molestation is wrong even when the predators or juvenile?
And, to add to the mix, remember Woodstock 99 turned rape fest which has quietly passed into the annals of our disgraceful recent history.
Where is the ACLU when we need it the most? It seems so obsessed with promoting Planned Parenthood's Abortion federal funding that it forgets about the poor girls and innocent children (not to mention the unborn)! In this case ACLU's 11 November 2012 New York Times open letter to the president, two out of three is bad.
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Lila Rose of Live Action is a maverick in exposing the criminal ideology and practices of Planned Parenthood. |
The Sons of Levi Today
The immeasurable efficacy of the Catholic priest is highlighted in a much cherished quote from my seminary days at Mount Saint Mary's, Emmitsburg, which I only recently rediscovered on a notecard. The quote is from True Devotion of Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort.
The sons of Levi...shall storm against the world, they shall strike the devil and his crew, and they shall pierce through and through, for life or for death, with their two-edged sword of the Word of God, all those to whom they shall be sent on the part of the Most High. par. 56-57
Below is the full quote regarding The Most Blessed Virgin Mary's purifying work in the world through her holy priests. I copy it from The Rosary Trail.
ARTICLE THREE: Providential Function of Mary in the Latter Times
II. Exercise of This Function
2. In the formation of the apostles of the latter times.
II. Exercise of This Function
2. In the formation of the apostles of the latter times.
55. In a word, God wishes that His holy Mother should be at present more known, more loved, more honored than she has ever been. This, no doubt, will take place if the predestinate enter, with the grace and light of the Holy Ghost, into the interior and perfect practice which I will disclose to them shortly. Then they will see clearly, as far as faith allows, that beautiful Star of the Sea. They will arrive happily in harbor, following its guidance, in spite of the tempests and the pirates. They will know the grandeurs of that Queen, and will consecrate themselves entirely to her service as subjects and slaves of love. They will experience her sweetness and her maternal goodness, and they will love her tenderly like well-beloved children. They will know the mercies of which she is full, and the need they have of her help; and they will have recourse to her in all things, as to their dear advocate and Mediatrix with Jesus Christ. They will know what is the surest, the easiest, the shortest and the most perfect means of going to Jesus Christ; and they will give themselves to Mary, body and soul, without reserve, that they may thus belong entirely to Jesus Christ.
56. But who shall those servants, slaves and children of Mary be? They shall be the ministers of the Lord who, like a burning fire, shall kindle the fire of divine love everywhere. They shall be “like sharp arrows in the hand of the powerful” Mary to pierce her enemies. (Ps. 126:4). They shall be the sons of Levi, well purified by the fire of great tribulation, and closely adhering to God (1 Cor. 6:17), who shall carry the gold of love in their heart, the incense of prayer in their spirit, and the myrrh of mortification in their body. They shall be everywhere the good odor of Jesus Christ to the poor and to the little, while at the same time, they shall be an odor of death to the great, to the rich and to the proud worldlings.
57. They shall be clouds thundering and flying through the air at the least breath of the Holy Ghost; who, detaching themselves from everything and troubling themselves about nothing, shall shower forth the rain of the Word of God and of life eternal. They shall thunder against sin; they shall storm against the world; they shall strike the devil and his crew; and they shall pierce through and through, for life or for death, with their two-edged sword of the Word of God (Eph. 6:17), all those to whom they shall be sent on the part of the Most High.
58. They shall be the true apostles of the latter times, to whom the Lord of Hosts shall give the word and the might to work marvels and to carry off with glory the spoils of His enemies. They shall sleep without gold or silver, and, what is more, without care, in the midst of the other priests, ecclesiastics, and clerics (Ps. 67:14); and yet they shall have the God and the salvation of souls, wheresoever the Holy Ghost shall call them. Nor shall they leave behind them, in the places where they have preached, anything but the gold of charity, which is the fulfillment of the whole law. (Rom. 13:10)
59. In a word, we know that they shall be true disciples of Jesus Christ, walking in the footsteps of His poverty, humility, contempt of the world, charity; teaching the narrow way of God in pure truth, according to the holy Gospel, and not according to the maxims of the world; troubling themselves about nothing; not accepting persons; sparing, fearing and listening to no mortal, however influential he may be. They shall carry on their shoulders the bloody standard of the Cross, the Crucifix in their right hand and the Rosary in their left, the sacred Names of Jesus and Mary in their hearts, and the modesty and mortification of Jesus Christ in their own behaviour.
These are the great men who are to come; but Mary is the one who, by order of the Most High, shall fashion them for the purpose of extending His empire over that if the impious, the idolaters and the Mahometans. But when and how shall this be? God alone knows.
As for us, we have to hold our tongues, to pray, to sigh and to wait: “With expectation I have waited.” (Ps. 39:2)
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
To Discover God, Go to the Church
After last week's reflection on the noble cultivation of desire to reach the heights of God (cf. CCC 27-30), again today His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI gave an insightful reading of the opening pages of the Catechism of the Catholic Church on the Creed summarizing how to know God in three "ways" (cf. CCC 31-38): the way of the world of nature, the way of the depth and beautiful mystery of man (the human person), and the way of faith, viz. discovering God in the life of faith. The first two ways are common enough in theology: All of Creation and especially Man as reflections of God and thus wonderful testimonies to His existence. But the third way is a less common, though very obvious and broad and most profound, element in revelation theology. Here is my translation of the relevant part.
The third word (with which, in addition to "the world" and "man", I should like to synthetically summarize the ways (vie) of coming to the knowledge of and encounter with God): "the faith".
Above all in the reality of our age we should not forget that one way that leads to the consciousness and encounter with God is the life of faith. He who believes is united to God, is open to his grace, to the force of charity. Thus his existence becomes a witness, not of himself, but of the Risen One, and his faith is not afraid to show itself in daily life, he is open to dialogue which expresses profound friendship for the journey (cammino) of every man, and he knows how to open lights of hope to the need for rescue, for happiness, for the future. The faith, indeed, is an encounter with God who speaks and operates in history and who converts our daily life, transforming in us mentalities, value judgments, choices and concrete actions. It is not an illusion, a flight from reality, an easy refuge, sentimentalism, but rather an involvement of the entire life and the announcement of the Gospel, the Good News capable of liberating the entire man.
A christian, a community which are operative and faithful to God's project who has first loved us, constitute a privileged way for those who are in indifference or in doubt regarding his existence and his action. This calls, however, each believer to make his own witness to the faith ever more transparent, purifying one's own life that it be conformed to Christ.
Today many have a limited concept of the christian faith because they identify it with mere system of beliefs and of values and not so much with the truth of a God revealed in history, desirous to communicate with man one on one (a tu per tu), in a rapport of love with him. In reality, at the foundation of every doctrine and value is the event of the encounter between man and God in Christ Jesus.
Christianity, before being a morality or an ethics is the advent of love, the reception of the person of Jesus. Hence the christian and the christian community should before all else behold (look at) Christ and make him seen (to be looked at), the true Way which escorts (conduce) to God.
P.S. It seems to me that the Holy Father himself is humbly, and most profitably (especially for us), slowly rereading and interpreting and presenting The Catechism of the Catholic Church. He himself is doing what he is recommending for all of the faithful for this Year of Faith. Bravo Benedetto!
P.S.S. For more on this theme of discovering God in the faith see Newman's Grammer of Assent Chapter X, second section--the last part of the book. As a matter of fact, I have to say that the Holy Father's Wednesday audience address today is a pretty good summary of that entire book which is Newman's treatise on the sources of Christian certitude. It would be great to have these Wednesday audiences with some relevant footnotes by the Holy Father. Perhaps later when they are published in book form.
The third word (with which, in addition to "the world" and "man", I should like to synthetically summarize the ways (vie) of coming to the knowledge of and encounter with God): "the faith".
Above all in the reality of our age we should not forget that one way that leads to the consciousness and encounter with God is the life of faith. He who believes is united to God, is open to his grace, to the force of charity. Thus his existence becomes a witness, not of himself, but of the Risen One, and his faith is not afraid to show itself in daily life, he is open to dialogue which expresses profound friendship for the journey (cammino) of every man, and he knows how to open lights of hope to the need for rescue, for happiness, for the future. The faith, indeed, is an encounter with God who speaks and operates in history and who converts our daily life, transforming in us mentalities, value judgments, choices and concrete actions. It is not an illusion, a flight from reality, an easy refuge, sentimentalism, but rather an involvement of the entire life and the announcement of the Gospel, the Good News capable of liberating the entire man.
A christian, a community which are operative and faithful to God's project who has first loved us, constitute a privileged way for those who are in indifference or in doubt regarding his existence and his action. This calls, however, each believer to make his own witness to the faith ever more transparent, purifying one's own life that it be conformed to Christ.
Today many have a limited concept of the christian faith because they identify it with mere system of beliefs and of values and not so much with the truth of a God revealed in history, desirous to communicate with man one on one (a tu per tu), in a rapport of love with him. In reality, at the foundation of every doctrine and value is the event of the encounter between man and God in Christ Jesus.
Christianity, before being a morality or an ethics is the advent of love, the reception of the person of Jesus. Hence the christian and the christian community should before all else behold (look at) Christ and make him seen (to be looked at), the true Way which escorts (conduce) to God.
P.S. It seems to me that the Holy Father himself is humbly, and most profitably (especially for us), slowly rereading and interpreting and presenting The Catechism of the Catholic Church. He himself is doing what he is recommending for all of the faithful for this Year of Faith. Bravo Benedetto!
P.S.S. For more on this theme of discovering God in the faith see Newman's Grammer of Assent Chapter X, second section--the last part of the book. As a matter of fact, I have to say that the Holy Father's Wednesday audience address today is a pretty good summary of that entire book which is Newman's treatise on the sources of Christian certitude. It would be great to have these Wednesday audiences with some relevant footnotes by the Holy Father. Perhaps later when they are published in book form.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Motu Proprio Lingua Latina: Revival of Veterum Sapientia's Dead Letter
This past Saturday the Holy Father instituted the Pontifical Academy for Latin, thereby responding (as we are all called to do) to the long ignored and largely forgotten and even despised Veterum sapientia of Blessed John XIII. Bravo Benedetto! Latin Rite Catholics should promote Latin! Thank God that we have a Pontiff who does his obvious duty in a world in which many in authority only do what is fashionable.
Where do I get an application for the new Pontifical Latinitas Academy?
"The Latin Language has Always Been Held in the Highest Esteem by the Catholic Church"
Apostolic Letter In the Form of Motu Proprio “Lingua Latina”
With which is instituted the Pontifical Academy for Latin
1. The Latin language has always been held in the highest esteem by the Catholic Church and by the Roman Pontiffs, who have assiduously promoted the knowledge and spread of Latin, making it their own language; it is a language capable of universally transmitting the message of the Gospel, as was already authoritatively affirmed by the apostolic constitution “Veterum sapientia” of my predecessor, Bl. John XXIII.
In truth, since Pentecost the Church has spoken and prayed in all of the languages of men. Nevertheless, the Christian communities of the first centuries widely used Greek and Latin, languages of universal communication in the world in which they lived, and thanks to which the newness of the Word of Christ encountered the legacy of the Hellenic-Roman culture.
After the disappearance of the Roman Empire in the West, the Church of Rome not only continued to avail herself of the Latin language but made herself in a certain way its guardian and promoter, both in the theological and liturgical sphere and in those of education and the transmission of knowledge.
2. Even in our own time the knowledge of the Latin language and culture is more necessary than ever for the study of the sources from which, among others, numerous ecclesiastical disciplines draw, for example, theology, liturgy, patristics and canon law, as the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council teaches (cf. “Optatam totius,” 13).
Moreover, precisely to highlight the universal nature of the Church, in this language are redacted in their typical form the liturgical books of the Roman Rite, the more important documents of the pontifical magisterium and the more solemn official acts of the Roman pontiffs.
3. Nevertheless, in contemporary culture we observe in the decline of humanistic studies, the danger of an ever more superficial knowledge of the Latin language, noticeable even in the philosophical and theological studies of future priests. On the other hand, precisely in our world in which science and technology play such a prominent role, we find a renewed interest for the Latin culture and language, not only on those continents that have their roots in the Greco-Roman legacy. Such attention appears more important not only insofar as it involves academic and institutional spheres, but as it regards young people and scholars from different nations and traditions.
4. It thus appears urgent to support the effort toward a better knowledge and more competent use of the Latin language as much in the ecclesial ambit as in the wider world of culture. To bring attention to this undertaking and make it vibrant the moment is more opportune than ever to adopt didactic methods adequate to the new situation and to promote a network of relationships among academic institutions and scholars with the purpose of appreciating the rich and multiform patrimony of Latin civilization.
To contribute to the accomplishment of such goals, following in the footsteps of my venerable predecessors, with the present Motu Proprio today I institute the Pontifical Academy of Latinity as a branch of the Pontifical Council for Culture. It is led by a president, who assisted by a secretary, appointed by me, and by an academic council.
The Latinitas Foundation, constituted by Pope Paul VI with the chirograph “Romani Sermonis” of June 30, 1976, no longer exists.
The present apostolic letter in the form of a Motu Proprio, with which I approve “ad experimentum,” for a 5 year period, the attached statute, I order to be published in the “Osservatore Romano.”
Given in Rome at St. Peter’s, November 10, 2012, the feast of St. Leo the Great, the 8th year of our pontificate.
* * *
Statute of the Pontifical Academy for Latin
Article 1
The Pontifical Academy for Latin for the promotion and appreciation of the Latin language and culture is instituted, with its main offices in the Vatican City State. The Academy is connected to the Pontifical Council for Culture of which it will be a branch.
Article 2
§ 2. To achieve such ends the Academy proposes to:
a) undertake publications, meetings, study conferences and artistic representations;
b) create and support courses, seminars and other educational initiatives along with the Pontifical Higher Institute of Latinity;
c) educate young generations in the knowledge of Latin also through modern means of communication;
d) organize exhibitions, shows and competitions;
e) develop other activities and initiatives necessary for the achievement of the institutional goals.
Article 3
The Pontifical Academy of Latinity is composed of a president, secretary, academic council and members, also called “academicians.”
Article 4
§ 1. The president of the Academy is appointed by the Supreme Pontiff for a 5 year term. The president can be reappointed for a second 5 year term.
§ 2. It is the president’s duty to:
a) represent the Academy legally also before any judicial or administrative authority whether canonical or civil;
b) convoke and preside over the academic council and the assembly of the members;
c) to participate, as a member, in the Council for the Coordination of the Pontifical Academies and to maintain relationships with the Pontifical Council for Culture;
d) supervise the activities of the Academy;
e) act as ordinary administration, with the help of the secretary, and as extraordinary administration in concert with the academic council and the Pontifical Council for Culture.
Article 5
§ 1. The secretary is appointed by the Supreme Pontiff, for a 5 year term. The secretary can be reappointed for a second 5 year term.
§ 2. The president, in the case of an absence or impediment, delegates the role of secretary to a substitute.
Article 6
§ 1. The academic council is composed of the president, the secretary and 5 council members. The council members are elected by the assembly of academicians for a 5 year term and can be reelected.
§ 2. The academic council, which is presided over by the president of the Academy, deliberates on matters of great importance for the Academy. It approves the schedule for a meeting of the Academy members, which should be held at least once a year. The council is convoked by the president at least once a year and, more than that, every time that it is requested by at least 3 members of the council.
Article 7
The president, with the agreement of the council, can appoint an archivist, who will act as librarian, and a treasurer.
Article 8
§ 1. The Academy consists of ordinary members, who number no more than 50, called “academicians,” who are scholars and cultivators of the Latin language. They are appointed by the secretary of state. Having reached the age of 80, the ordinary members become emeriti.
§ 2. The ordinary academicians participate in the meeting of the Academy convoked by the president. The emeriti academicians may participate in the meeting without the right to vote.
§ 3. Besides the ordinary academicians, the president of the academy, with the agreement of the council, can appoint other members called “correspondents.”
Article 9
The patrimony of the defunct Foundation Latinitas and its activities, including the editing and publication of the review “Latinitas” are transferred to the Pontifical Academy for Latin.
Article 10
For those things not expressly provided for reference should be made to the current Code of Canon Law and to the laws of the Vatican City State.
"The Latin Language has Always Been Held in the Highest Esteem by the Catholic Church"
Apostolic Letter In the Form of Motu Proprio “Lingua Latina”
With which is instituted the Pontifical Academy for Latin
1. The Latin language has always been held in the highest esteem by the Catholic Church and by the Roman Pontiffs, who have assiduously promoted the knowledge and spread of Latin, making it their own language; it is a language capable of universally transmitting the message of the Gospel, as was already authoritatively affirmed by the apostolic constitution “Veterum sapientia” of my predecessor, Bl. John XXIII.
In truth, since Pentecost the Church has spoken and prayed in all of the languages of men. Nevertheless, the Christian communities of the first centuries widely used Greek and Latin, languages of universal communication in the world in which they lived, and thanks to which the newness of the Word of Christ encountered the legacy of the Hellenic-Roman culture.
After the disappearance of the Roman Empire in the West, the Church of Rome not only continued to avail herself of the Latin language but made herself in a certain way its guardian and promoter, both in the theological and liturgical sphere and in those of education and the transmission of knowledge.
2. Even in our own time the knowledge of the Latin language and culture is more necessary than ever for the study of the sources from which, among others, numerous ecclesiastical disciplines draw, for example, theology, liturgy, patristics and canon law, as the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council teaches (cf. “Optatam totius,” 13).
Moreover, precisely to highlight the universal nature of the Church, in this language are redacted in their typical form the liturgical books of the Roman Rite, the more important documents of the pontifical magisterium and the more solemn official acts of the Roman pontiffs.
3. Nevertheless, in contemporary culture we observe in the decline of humanistic studies, the danger of an ever more superficial knowledge of the Latin language, noticeable even in the philosophical and theological studies of future priests. On the other hand, precisely in our world in which science and technology play such a prominent role, we find a renewed interest for the Latin culture and language, not only on those continents that have their roots in the Greco-Roman legacy. Such attention appears more important not only insofar as it involves academic and institutional spheres, but as it regards young people and scholars from different nations and traditions.
4. It thus appears urgent to support the effort toward a better knowledge and more competent use of the Latin language as much in the ecclesial ambit as in the wider world of culture. To bring attention to this undertaking and make it vibrant the moment is more opportune than ever to adopt didactic methods adequate to the new situation and to promote a network of relationships among academic institutions and scholars with the purpose of appreciating the rich and multiform patrimony of Latin civilization.
To contribute to the accomplishment of such goals, following in the footsteps of my venerable predecessors, with the present Motu Proprio today I institute the Pontifical Academy of Latinity as a branch of the Pontifical Council for Culture. It is led by a president, who assisted by a secretary, appointed by me, and by an academic council.
The Latinitas Foundation, constituted by Pope Paul VI with the chirograph “Romani Sermonis” of June 30, 1976, no longer exists.
The present apostolic letter in the form of a Motu Proprio, with which I approve “ad experimentum,” for a 5 year period, the attached statute, I order to be published in the “Osservatore Romano.”
Given in Rome at St. Peter’s, November 10, 2012, the feast of St. Leo the Great, the 8th year of our pontificate.
* * *
Statute of the Pontifical Academy for Latin
Article 1
The Pontifical Academy for Latin for the promotion and appreciation of the Latin language and culture is instituted, with its main offices in the Vatican City State. The Academy is connected to the Pontifical Council for Culture of which it will be a branch.
Article 2
§ 1. The aims of the Academy are:
a) to promote the knowledge and study of the Latin language and literature in its classical, patristic, medieval and humanistic forms, especially in Catholic educational institutions in which both seminarians and priests are formed and instructed;
b) to promote in different spheres the use of Latin both as a written and spoken language.
§ 2. To achieve such ends the Academy proposes to:
a) undertake publications, meetings, study conferences and artistic representations;
b) create and support courses, seminars and other educational initiatives along with the Pontifical Higher Institute of Latinity;
c) educate young generations in the knowledge of Latin also through modern means of communication;
d) organize exhibitions, shows and competitions;
e) develop other activities and initiatives necessary for the achievement of the institutional goals.
Article 3
The Pontifical Academy of Latinity is composed of a president, secretary, academic council and members, also called “academicians.”
Article 4
§ 1. The president of the Academy is appointed by the Supreme Pontiff for a 5 year term. The president can be reappointed for a second 5 year term.
§ 2. It is the president’s duty to:
a) represent the Academy legally also before any judicial or administrative authority whether canonical or civil;
b) convoke and preside over the academic council and the assembly of the members;
c) to participate, as a member, in the Council for the Coordination of the Pontifical Academies and to maintain relationships with the Pontifical Council for Culture;
d) supervise the activities of the Academy;
e) act as ordinary administration, with the help of the secretary, and as extraordinary administration in concert with the academic council and the Pontifical Council for Culture.
Article 5
§ 1. The secretary is appointed by the Supreme Pontiff, for a 5 year term. The secretary can be reappointed for a second 5 year term.
§ 2. The president, in the case of an absence or impediment, delegates the role of secretary to a substitute.
Article 6
§ 1. The academic council is composed of the president, the secretary and 5 council members. The council members are elected by the assembly of academicians for a 5 year term and can be reelected.
§ 2. The academic council, which is presided over by the president of the Academy, deliberates on matters of great importance for the Academy. It approves the schedule for a meeting of the Academy members, which should be held at least once a year. The council is convoked by the president at least once a year and, more than that, every time that it is requested by at least 3 members of the council.
Article 7
The president, with the agreement of the council, can appoint an archivist, who will act as librarian, and a treasurer.
Article 8
§ 1. The Academy consists of ordinary members, who number no more than 50, called “academicians,” who are scholars and cultivators of the Latin language. They are appointed by the secretary of state. Having reached the age of 80, the ordinary members become emeriti.
§ 2. The ordinary academicians participate in the meeting of the Academy convoked by the president. The emeriti academicians may participate in the meeting without the right to vote.
§ 3. Besides the ordinary academicians, the president of the academy, with the agreement of the council, can appoint other members called “correspondents.”
Article 9
The patrimony of the defunct Foundation Latinitas and its activities, including the editing and publication of the review “Latinitas” are transferred to the Pontifical Academy for Latin.
Article 10
For those things not expressly provided for reference should be made to the current Code of Canon Law and to the laws of the Vatican City State.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
The Pedagogy of Desire: Cultivate Effective Antibodies Against the Prevalent Present-day Banalization
In his continued catechesis on the Creed "I Believe" the Holy Father spoke this past Wednesday of the innate desire for God in every man. He says that even in our own day we can direct our passions in the pursuit of what is good and true (and form the young in this) as a sure way to freedom and authentic joy and lasting peace. He calls this the way of desire: to nurture, direct and expand human desires to be able to recognize and to choose what is perfect. We need to cultivate a "taste" for the authentic joy of life in order to like what is truly good.
It reminds me of a quote by Saint Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer who said that the most supernatural motive for an apostolic undertaking is "porque me da la gana" -- because I feel like it! That happens when your feelings have been so molded in harmony with what is true and good, in accord with the will of God and the nature of man.
Friday, November 9, 2012
Voter Abstention: Essential to Democracy
Along with the right to vote is the duty to vote responsibly, and within that responsibility may be the duty to abstain from voting when you do not see the necessary merit in the candidates. You get my vote if I trust you. If I do not trust you, you do not get my vote. It is as simple as that.
We have an obligation to be concerned, reasonably informed, involved and active in the political sphere, and whether to vote is a serious question for each voter in that involvement.
No commandment of God or of the Church clearly requires voting therefore the moral law does not require it.
The so called "requirement" to vote which some people try to force depends on too many contingents to be an absolute moral requirement. Besides, there are many saints in heaven who presumably do not believe in or care for the democratic system of government with all of its dishonesty.
The only thing that can be insinuated from Christ's teachings is that it is not necessarily immoral to cooperate with the State: render to Caesar is to be interpreted broadly--freedom--to do or not to do. The question in the "render to Caesar" issue ("Is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar, or not?" Mt. 22:17) was not whether is was obligatory to pay tax but whether is was legitimate to pay it, i.e. to participate in the corrupt system: The Lord said it was OK. I too, therefore, hold that it is legitimate to vote and that not voting--abstention--is also a fundamental democratic and Christian right--in conscience.
Upstanding citizens have a right to not vote and a right to criticize, in addition to their right to vote. It's up to them. To force people to vote contradicts the very basis of democracy, viz. by the people!
By the way, the fruits of democracy in Central America the past 200 years have been widespread raping and pillaging and much of it made in USA. Refer to the Kissinger Report for the United States' standing policy regarding Latin America. "Democracy" according to G.K. Chesterton does not exist. It is Oligarchy or Plutocracy, but not Democracy. Whoever has the most power (e.g. the strongest voice, the most money), wins.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Missa Pro Paganos
Here are a few useful votive Masses (which I have used these past few days) for the demise of a nation.
Ordinary Form
For the New Evangelization
For Persecuted Christians
Extraordinary Form
Missa Pro Paganos!
God save America and especially the illegal immigrants in our midst who quietly and nobly slave for us often in the humblest jobs with no rights, no benefits and outrageous contempt.
What happened to the Christian virtue of "harboring the foreigner!"
It continues to be a corporal work of mercy.
Ordinary Form
For the New Evangelization
For Persecuted Christians
Extraordinary Form
Missa Pro Paganos!
God save America and especially the illegal immigrants in our midst who quietly and nobly slave for us often in the humblest jobs with no rights, no benefits and outrageous contempt.
What happened to the Christian virtue of "harboring the foreigner!"
It continues to be a corporal work of mercy.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
En Espanol: "True happiness is internal peace which comes from a coherent, sacramental, life."
En Espanol: Here are a couple of videos of witness by a great Catholic Mexican actor: the star of Bella and For Greater Glory (Cristiada). La maestra de ingles le cambia la vida! (His English teacher changed his life!)
En Espanol: Here he is on ""gay" marriage." Call it "chulimonio" but not "matrimonio".
In English
Oppose Gaydom
Insist at all your social affairs, those you host and those you attend:
It's just a matter of common decency!
Zero tolerance for public perversion!
Decency is a matter of civil rights, the right of every citizen to not be molested by public lewdness. Civic decency demands that civic virtue must oppose public vice, especially in it's most perverse forms.
Do not flagrantly flaunt your sexual perversion (your "lifestyle") nor expect social approval of it. Keep it too yourself if you must keep it at all!
To keep quiet in the face of shameless affronts to basic decency is to approve them. That "tolerance" is a lack of civic virtue and a lack of charity toward the deviant. To reprimand the sinner is an spiritual work of mercy, that he might recognize his sin and at least control himself and ultimately reform his life (and life style) and live a truly wholesome life.
Those who promote homosexuality, therefore, hate "homosexuals" because they further confuse them and do not give them any direction or hope--they condemn those with this perverse same-sex inclination. We must, rather, instruct the ignorant, counsel the doubtful and reprimand the sinner in heartfelt solidarity with each person so that he may live a noble life and overcome his shameful inclinations, which every man has.
Remember what The Penny Catechism says:
344. Why are we bound to deny ourselves?
We are bound to deny ourselves because our natural inclinations are prone to evil from our very childhood; and, if not corrected by self-denial, they will certainly carry us to hell.
Monday, November 5, 2012
The Racist Obama Vote
Most African Americans say that they will vote again for Obama for president. It is a sin to vote for a candidate simply because he the same color as oneself, regardless of qualification or integrity. That is called racism! This man is for abortion and gaydom, are you?
It is also wrong to promote him for his enslaving welfare policies. What most harms the black community in America today is the promotion and rewarding of laziness and immorality by welfare.
To have a full time job or to be legitimately married, infirm or elderly should be the necessary qualifications for any State assistance programs. Those who are young and healthy and single should not be corrupted by handouts--that encourages laziness and immorality of every type which is exactly what presently enslaves the minority Americans today, perhaps more than slavery ever did! Obama's policies are enslavement!
"He who does not work should not eat!" --Saint Paul
Tough love.
Vote for the best candidates, regardless of race or party affiliation, that is our patriotic duty under God!
It is also wrong to promote him for his enslaving welfare policies. What most harms the black community in America today is the promotion and rewarding of laziness and immorality by welfare.
To have a full time job or to be legitimately married, infirm or elderly should be the necessary qualifications for any State assistance programs. Those who are young and healthy and single should not be corrupted by handouts--that encourages laziness and immorality of every type which is exactly what presently enslaves the minority Americans today, perhaps more than slavery ever did! Obama's policies are enslavement!
"He who does not work should not eat!" --Saint Paul
Tough love.
Vote for the best candidates, regardless of race or party affiliation, that is our patriotic duty under God!
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Gnostic Perversion
The modern problem is a revival of the ancient gnostic heresies which are mentioned at length in 2 Peter Chapter 2. They distort Christianity to live in immorality and to spread their errors, denying divine Judgement. They need to know that God is the Just Judge who, in the end, will destroy every perversion as he expelled the demons from heaven and destroyed Sodom and Gommorah..
Saint Epiphanius has very graphic descriptions of the blasphemous and sacrilegious orgies of the gnostics, which sound very much like some of the sordid modern day fraternity and masonic rituals. Scary!
I'll post the scripture text later.
Saint Epiphanius has very graphic descriptions of the blasphemous and sacrilegious orgies of the gnostics, which sound very much like some of the sordid modern day fraternity and masonic rituals. Scary!
I'll post the scripture text later.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Cardinal Clarity
Cardinal Francis George of Chicago has been valiantly outspoken in the past few months against the homosexualist perversion overtaking our nation. Here are the full texts of a few recent messages in defense of marriage and basic decency. The first was his rebuttal against the Chicago Mayor opposition to pro-marriage Chick-fil-A and followed by his response to his detractors. In the second he explains why he predicts martyrdom for his successor. And in the third (which I could not find the full text) he says how bad same-sex " marriage" would be for society.
Reflections on "Chicago Values" and Chicago Values Revisited: it's not about chicken!
The Wrong Side of History
Society Will be the Worse For It
Also see his video below on the HHS contraception, sterilization, abortifacient mandate.
Reflections on "Chicago Values" and Chicago Values Revisited: it's not about chicken!
The Wrong Side of History
Society Will be the Worse For It
Also see his video below on the HHS contraception, sterilization, abortifacient mandate.
Hombres de Dios (Men of God) Oran (Pray)
May Feelings is a social network of prayer!
Neat, and most appropriate.
Prayer happens to be the greatest and most foundational of all social networking, it is the essence of the Most Holy Trinity: the Son does nothing without the Father! And it includes you and me with the Communion of Saints, you are never alone if you pray. If you do not pray you are always alone!
By the way, Father Barron is the present Rector of Mundelein, the Chicago Seminary. Bravo.
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