Most African Americans say that they will vote again for Obama for president. It is a sin to vote for a candidate simply because he the same color as oneself, regardless of qualification or integrity. That is called racism! This man is for abortion and gaydom, are you?
It is also wrong to promote him for his enslaving welfare policies. What most harms the black community in America today is the promotion and rewarding of laziness and immorality by welfare.
To have a full time job or to be legitimately married, infirm or elderly should be the necessary qualifications for any State assistance programs. Those who are young and healthy and single should not be corrupted by handouts--that encourages laziness and immorality of every type which is exactly what presently enslaves the minority Americans today, perhaps more than slavery ever did! Obama's policies are enslavement!
"He who does not work should not eat!" --Saint Paul
Tough love.
Vote for the best candidates, regardless of race or party affiliation, that is our patriotic duty under God!