Thursday, November 15, 2012

Playboy the Predator

How many millions of cases similar to the one below (The French actress Eva Ionesco [47] has sued her mother, the pornographer Irina Ionesco [77]) might not be brought out in America!
Things Were More Liberal and Free Then

See the survey I recommend for the much needed thorough cleansing of the soul of modern man: Stone Trowing for Dummies.

In this regard see also Naomi Schaefer Riley's New York Post story on the fifteen year old girl who killed herself a couple of weeks ago because of "consensual" statutory rape: four football players on one girl and there is no law against it!  When will we realize the child sexual molestation is wrong even when the predators or juvenile?

And, to add to the mix, remember Woodstock 99 turned rape fest which has quietly passed into the annals of our disgraceful recent history.

Where is the ACLU when we need it the most?  It seems so obsessed with promoting Planned Parenthood's Abortion federal funding that it forgets about the poor girls and innocent children (not to mention the unborn)!  In this case ACLU's 11 November 2012 New York Times open letter to the president, two out of three is bad.

Lila Rose of Live Action is a maverick in exposing the criminal ideology and practices of Planned Parenthood.

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