Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Tradition is the Only Sin

"Only one sin is nowadays severely punished: the attentive observance of the traditions of our Fathers. For this reason the good ones are thrown out of their places and brought to the desert."
--Saint Basil the Great (Ep. 243)

How many young traditional men have avoided or have been excluded from the diocesan priesthood simply because they love and stand by the tradition of the Church! This is a tragedy for the Church and for the world of our own day, which has slowly been changing due to the previous two pontificates but is still being perpetuated now in the Francis reign of widespread confusion (what appears to me as the last hurrah of the remnant of heretical Catholic hierarchy).

Just one example.
A young man who wants to be a priest but has been reared in the Traditional Mass and loves it and wishes to be a diocesan priest dedicated to that Catholic Tradition really has no place as of yet in the diocesan priesthood. It  ought not be so. Candidates for the diocesan priesthood should not be required to check their Traditional faith at the seminary door!

No priest should be required or pressured in any way to say Mass in the vernacular, versus populum or to give communion in the hand, etc., contrary to his legitimate Catholic sensibilities! Priests are people too!

Read more: recent interview of Bishop Schneider on the danger and damage of the recent Synod.

"Modern clerical Pharisees and Scribes, those bishops and cardinals who throw grains of incense to the neo-pagan idols of gender ideology and concubinage, will not convince anyone to either believe in Christ or to be ready to offer their lives for Christ."
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