Thursday, January 4, 2018

Love with Abiding Truth is Deadly

"The where we have to learn what omnipotence means. Omnipotence that joins with love without giving up truth. Only because truth remains indestructible, and it cannot and will not be snuffed out by God, there is no compromise, no agreement with what everybody wants. Only because truth abides does love become deadly. Truth without love does not have to die, but only judge; love without truth likewise does not have to die, but only yield. But where the two are together, the Cross comes to pass."
Joseph Ratzinger, Dogma and Preaching, San Francisco: Ignatius, 2011, 95. I have altered the text to better agree with Dogma und Verkündigung, Donauwörth: Wawel, 2005, 110.
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