Blessing a Saint Benedict cross/medal yesterday, I noticed that the blessing included a prayer for those who will pray the prayer of the medal. It says... "...
exoro, ut omnes diabolicas insidias et fraudes expellas ab eo, qui Nomen sanctum tuum his litteris et characteribus a te designatis devote invocaverit, et eum ad salutis portum perducere digneris, qui vivis et regnas in saecula saeculorum. Amen.
"...I pray that you expel all diabolic snares and deceits from him who will devoutly invoke your holy Name with these words and symbols designated by you, and deign to lead him to the port of health/salvation, who live and reign forever and ever. Amen."
Devotees of the medal of Saint Benedict should often recite the prayers which are inscribed on the medal. It has three prayers: 1) one of the Holy Cross, 2) an exorcism and 3) a prayer for a happy death:
1) Crux Santa sit mihi lux, non draco sit mihi dux. (May the Holy Cross be the light for me, may not the dragon be the leader for me.)
2) Vade retro Satana, numquam suade mihi vana; sunt mala quae libas, ipse venena bibas. (Go back Satan, never lure me with vanities; what you proffer are evil, drink the poison yourself.)
3) Eius in obitu nostro praesentia muniamur. (May we be protected by its [the cross of the Holy Father Benedict's] presence at our death.)
Pray those prayers often, in Latin. They are very easy to memorize, and they are written on the medal itself! I have had them memorized for years but never recited them devotionally, until yesterday. They are intended to be prayed frequently; as I have shown, one of the blessings of the person wearing the medal depends on his praying of the ejaculations on it.