Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Quatuor magnam importantibus pacem: Four Great Sources of Peace

Throughout his Il Giornale dell'Anima (ed. San Paolo 1989, p. 71) Blessed John XXIII cites and shows that he practiced the following counsels from De Imitatione Christi 3, 23, 1-7, the great sources of peace.

It seems to me that the four may be said with one word each:





1. Stude, fili, alterius potius facere voluntatem quam tuam.

2. Elige semper minus quam plus habere.

3. Quaere semper inferiorem locum, et omnibus subesse.

4. Opta semper et ora ut voluntas Dei integre in te fiat. Ecce, talis homo ingreditur fines pacis et quietis.

Quatuor magnam importantibus pacem

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