Last year The Boy Scouts of America finally gave in to the homosexual lobby which had fought the organization for years to admit immoral leadership. That split the organization and those who do not tolerate immorality formed a new alternative national scouting organization:
Trail Life USA.
You see the problem is in part what the Lord mentions in the Gospel for today's Mass on
fraternal correction, (Matthew 18:15-20) if the sinner does not listen to correction he should be thrown out of the Church. No Church in America can in good conscience host a group with an homosexual agenda! That would be contrary to the Gospel, for it is contrary to the ninth and sixth commandments! So,
parishes are banning the Homosexualist Boy Scouts. Amen. Not because we hate people, but because we love people and hold everyone to a basic standard of decency, self-respect and propriety. The Church corrects our faults because extends to us the chastising love of our heavenly Father. Cf.
Hebrews 12:5-14.
Christians cannot support
the manifestation and promotion of people's moral weaknesses, whatever they may be! We support chastity and upright living and are convinced that everyone is called to that.