Monday, September 8, 2014

On Temperance

10 Rules for Temperance

1. Strong drink, as with all nourishment, should be typically taken only with meals, at meal times.

2. Ever strive to take less rather than more. Always stop short of a "buzz"! Know thyself!

3. Share, temperately. Don't let people get drunk with you!

4. In the family, do not forbid the youngsters (proportionately): e.g. an infant gets no more than an occasional few drops! Teetotalism might be anti-Catholic; the Prohibition and it's sequel, "the drinking age", are clearly so.

5. If you chance to drink socially (not generally recommended) nurse one drink throughout the event (two by way of rare exception, and never more than two!), or sip on ice water, etc. No one needs to know what's in your glass!

6. Never drink when you do not want to (especially if people are pressuring you)! You should generally take offence if someone offers you a drink after you have turned it down: red flag!

7. Do not offer a person a drink after he has said no! Respect. This is dangerous terrain and you do not know people's weaknesses.

8. All things being the same, prefer wine!

9. If you cannot drink temperately, abstain.

10. Proudly promote the virtue of temperance, as opposed to teetotalism: in medio stat virtus.
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