Monday, July 13, 2015

Sodomite America Opposes the Christian Flag

The Second Confederate National Flag

It is a curious fact that the American flag which represents all of the southerners who fought and gave their life for the rightful autonomy and dignity of the southern nation is being forcibly removed from the public buildings around the nation, along with the ten commandments.

This is the tyrannical age of Obergefell vs. Hodges, when everyone is forced to acknowledge and accept (if not promote) homosex. That 26 June 2015 decision of the United States Supreme Court forces every state of the nation to promote homosexuality and homosexual activity and consent to the travesty of marriage, so-called "'gay' 'marriage'", which Plinthos has always denounced as neither gay nor marriage.

Let every upstanding American stand up for the law of God by proudly waving the flag of Christian freedom which bears the cross of our Savior Jesus Christ, in the form of an x on which Saint Andrew Apostle and Martyr died for Christ.

The Scottish Flag (1542)
The historic origin of this cross flag goes back to the 1542 flag of Scotland which later was conflated with the Union Flag of Great Britain which includes both the English cross of Saint George and the Scottish cross of Saint Andrew.

What is consistent throughout is the cross! How is it that everyone seems to ignore the obvious of and most glaring characteristic of the Confederate Flag: the Holy Cross of Jesus Christ!
British Flag incorporating Scottish Cross of Saint Andrew (1707)
British Flag incorporating Cross of Saint Patrick (1801)
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