Saturday, March 14, 2020

Mass In Time of Pestilence and "Stella Coeli Extirpavit"

Remember the Spanish Flu of 1918-1920  --50,000,000 Dead!
Saints Jacinta and Francisco Marto were among the victims.

"Unless you do penance, you will all perish in the same manner." Luke 13:3

A Chant and Prayer Against Pestilence

Stélla caéli extirpávit / Quae lactávit Dóminum / Mórtis péstem quam plantávit / Prímus párens hóminum. / Ipsa stélla nunc dignétur / Sídera compéscere, / Quórum bélla plébem caédunt / Dírae mórtis úlcere.

O gloriósa stélla máris / A péste succúre nóbis: / Audi nos, nam te fílius / Níhil négans honórat. / Sálva nos, Jésu! / Pro quíbus vírgo máter te órat.

Recitation of the Litany of Loreto… then:

V. Ora pro nobis, sancta Dei Genitrix.
R. Ut digni efficiamur promissionibus Christi

Deus misericórdiae, Deus pietátis, Deus indulgéntiae, qui misértus es super afflictiónem pópuli tui, et dixísti Angelo percuténti pópulum tuum: Cóntine manum tuam ob amórem illíus Stellae gloriósae, cuius úbera pretiósa contra venénum nostrórum delictórum quam dúlciter suxísti; praesta auxílium grátiae tuae, ut intercedénte Beata Vírgine María Matre tua et Beato Bartholomaéo apóstolo tuo dilécto ( or else et Sancto Ráphael tuo Archángelo), ab omni peste et improvísa morte secúre liberémur, et a totíus perditiónis incúrsu misericórditer salvémur. Per Te, Iesu Christe Rex glóriae, qui vivis et regnas in saécula saeculórum. Amen.


The Star of Heaven, she who suckled the Lord, has uprooted the scourge of death which the first parent of mankind planted. That very Star is now worthy to encompass the world, whose wars cut down the people with the sore of dreaded death. O glorious Star of the Sea, save us from the scourge: Hear us, for thy Son, denying nothing, honors thee. Save us, Jesus! For us, the Virgin Mother entreats Thee.

V. Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray
O God of mercy, God of forbearance, God of forgiveness, who was moved to compassion for the affliction of Thy people, and who said to the Angel devastating Thy people: “Stay thy hand,” for the love of that glorious Star, at whose dearest breast Thou graciously fed against the poison of our sins; grant the help of Thy grace, that as Thy Mother the Blessed Virgin Mary, and Saint Bartholomew Thy beloved Apostle (or Saint Raphael, Thine Archangel), we be safely freed from every disease and from an unprovided death, and that we may be mercifully saved from the assault of utter ruin. Through Thee, Christ Jesus, King of Glory, who lives and reigns, world without end. Amen.

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