Every priest in the Covid-19 world should walk every day, at least once a day, within his parish bounds, with his cassock and his priest hat on, and, if possible, more solemnly with surplice, violet stole, even cope, with a crucifer, a thurifer and at least one cantor to chant the procession litanies against epidemics, keeping social distance. Otherwise he should just quietly walk it alone, praying the breviary, the rosary, the chaplet, etc. and return home. Priests should not hide during this time of grace. It is Lent. Passiontide. Holy Week is a week away. Everyone is thinking obsessed with sickness and death. The priest is the minster of LIFE. Jesus Christ lives. Jesus Christ is health, there is no other. If you die to sin you will live. Repent and believe in the Gospel.
Bishops have a grave duty to give clear and specific directives similar to these to their priests on how they must evangelize and accompany the people during this time. Parish priests must be seen during this time, serving the people, and the world for whom they were ordained by God. They must do that with public prayer, penance and with their public presence, for their own salvation. Bishops need to shepherd the shepherds so that the shepherds do not abandon the sheep when they are needed the most! When the wolf comes the shepherd cannot run away! We cannot just lock the churches (which belong to the faithful) and hide. We too belong to them! Our only salvation is in service, priestly service, which is the most important service in the world; more important than the doctors, governors and presidents is the minister of Jesus Christ, the priest. People need to see that!